Story Starts Now!

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(Just saying guys.. If the texts are like this.. Means It's me..)
(if it's like this.. It's a thought of the POV's owner..)
(if it's like this, it's a letter.. Phone.. Or any other stuff..)
(on with it then. Oh and I forgot to tell you that the vampire powers come out on their 15th birthday)

Riah's POV
Hi, My name is Porphyria Zechariah. (that's what she thinks) My friends call me Riah.Its my birthday today and I am now 13 years old and is about to turn high school. I am glad about it cause my previous classmates bully me. Not all of them,but it still hurts. I am a tough girl and brave too. I am strong as well. But I'm nice to people also. I'm a unique person. Combined with braveness, kindness and I am a happy person. I am always excited at things and I am a positive one.. I'm at school right now getting my card when my I checked my phone, there was a new message. It was mom. (her fake mom) She's not my real mom. She told me I was adopted when I was a baby. My real parents left me with them. But they treated me as their own. They are so nice to me. This family is the best. Plus. We're rich. But nice. :-) Plus. I kind of have a detective side. I'm able to solve things. Not all but. A lot.

Phone: 1 new message: Mom
Mom: Riah, come home this instant. Something happened. You need to come home. Now!

Oh I hope it's not a bad thing. Better go home fast. But first I need to get my card. Duh.

Riah: miss Charlhien, I need to get my card now. I need to go home. And fast.

Miss Char: Oh I understand dear. Here you go.

Riah: thanks.

Rizhiena: oy! were are you going? Aren't we suppozed so have a great sime Sogezer?

That's Rezhiena Francois. My best friend. She came from France. That's why her accent is like that. If reading this, I hope you could understand her. LOL.

Riah: of course Rez. Come with me. I need to go home fast. My mom told me to come home. Now!

Rezhiena/Rez: Oui.. I'm coming. I zon't want so leave you alone.

Riah: thanks Rez. You're the best.

Rez: Oui.. I know..

We went home as fast as we can and opened the gates. After we came in, we turned on the lights and surprisingly, there was a surprise.

Mom Aurora: Surprise! Happy birthday!

That's my mom. Aurora Zechariah, a caring mom and a lovable wife. She's 9 months pregnant with another baby girl.. She wanted to call her Valentina because it means brave.. It's her month so any day soon.. The baby would probably come out. It's actually March 20 today. Just so you know.

Fate: Happy 13th birthday young sister!

That's my sister Fate Zechariah. She's always there for me and we never ever fight. Ever! She's 15 years old. 2 years older than me. She's in 3rd year high school in Anthea High. And that High School is where I am going to study.

Oh and.. Are you wondering where my dad is? Well. He's always busy at work. He's name is Nathan Zechariah. He's a busy business man. We are rich because of him. But then all he care is about his work.

I'm gonna say this people. I feel different here actually. My mom's name, Aurora came from Aurora Borealis thingy. If you know what that is. My sister's name, Fate means Fate. lol. My dad's name, Nathan means Forever. And my name... I don't really know. No one told me. That's why I feel different. I know I'm adopted. But they're probably the people who named me since they never met my parents (I think).

Riah: thanks mom. Thanks sis. But, I just want to ask as I'm confused. What does my name means? I mean. All of your names have different meanings and mine? No..

Mom Aurora: Oh Porphyria. Of course your name has a meaning.

Riah: Then what is it?

Mom Aurora: it's who you are. (I still don't get it. It's who I am?)

Riah: What?

Fate: Oh don't mind about it. Let's go eat the cake. Come on Rez.

Rez: Ok Face. I'll be zhere laser. First I need so zalk wiz Riah.

Fate: how many times do I have to tell you Rez? My name is not Face.

Rez: not me fault. Iz's on me accent.

Fate: *sigh* ok. I understand.

These two. I can feel my sister is already annoyed at her always calling her Face. But they're nice with each other and always together. They love to be together as they're having fun together. Those two! Fate is even closer to Rez than me. Kind of.
After having a long day, Rez went home and I went to sleep. Exhausted as always. You know, I'm a teenager now, and I have a question. Do teenagers always are exhausted like this? Seriously? Ugh. Never mind. I need to rest for tomorrow. I'm going to Anthea High and I'm going to enroll. I hope it turns out well. I really hope so.
It's I don't know o'clock in the morning and I was just woken up by the ringing phone. Yeah.. It's mine. LOL! I picked it up carelessly as I'm still tired from all the singing from the karaoke yesternight. Is that even a word? Who cares..

Riah: Hello?

Rez: Riah! Iz's me Rez! Where are you? You are sotally Lase!

Riah: you mean late?

Rez: Oui!

Riah: how come? What time is it?

Rez:seven serteen in Ze morning!

Riah: it's 7:13? Dear gosh Rez! Enrollment is 8:30!

Rez: is iz?

Riah: Yeah.

Rez: but zhere's a lot of people here.

Riah: they're probably early.

Rez: but early iz great! Come on!

Riah: Ok. I'll be there. I just need to prepare

I took a bath and changed my clothes. After preparing and eating, I went to the school and tried to find Rez. After 15 minutes that felt like an hour of looking for her, I finally found her in the library.

Riah: Rez? What are you doing here? I've been looking all over for you.

Rez: Well.. You see. I am reazing here! You know I love ze books just like me grandma, Rezhiena Nomasnero. Zhey make me feel perfect. Ooh la la. Look at zhis. Iz's perfecsion!

Riah: Wait. So you're middle name is Nomasnero? And your name came from your grandma's name? How come you don't use it?

Rez: nozhing. I just zon't like iz zhat much.

Riah: Ok. Whateves. Let's go!

(see you all on the next chapter!

The Secrets Of Porphyria (By: Jeanwil Espinocilla)Where stories live. Discover now