Chapter 17

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It's short and unedited but I hope it's as good as I think it is. *Fingers crossed* Probably not but I'm hoping!

Dedicated to @suganthii for the beautiful cover on my book 'Loyal Blood.' I'm so in love with it and this dedication is long overdue. Thank you so much for it!

@Lokie66 you're amazing too!

Hope you enjoy it! Don't be scared to tell me what you think in the comments :)


Rebecca's laugh broke off and she looked up, expecting to see Mikael smirking, laughing at his own joke.  She didn't hear any laughter but her own so she knew he wasn't laughing. Her eyes went wide when she looked at him. He was completely serious, no signs of humour on his face at all. It was then she realised that he was crazy. Out of his mind. "Nice. I almost believed that."

He just continued to stare at her. "You should."

She shook her head, raising an eyebrow. "You're crazy. And I thought I was nuts. Then you come along and tell me I'm a fairy. Of all the people, I wouldn't have picked you as the crazy one. All the working out has gone to your head, huh?"

"Faerie. Not fairy."

Rebecca stopped, staring at him. He'd lost it. Totally and completely. "Uh huh. Sure. I don't hear the difference."

"It's there. F-A-E-R-I-E and F-A-I-R-Y. Completely different."

"Sure. Whatever you say."

He frowned at her, narrowing his eyes. "You don't believe me."

Rebecca raised an eyebrow in sarcasm. "You wonder why? Okay, let's put this into perspective. I just saw someone die and now you're trying to tell me that he's not dead, because I'm a what? A faerie — spelt F-A-E-R-I-E because the other one doesn't count because it's not real. Because yes, faeries are real. Little Tinkerbell's floating around, granting magic wishes."

Mikael stared at her. "Tinkerbell doesn't exist."

"Yet faeries do?" she muttered, sarcasm thick. "Is one around me now? Buzzing by my head, ready to grant my wish to go to Paris? What about vampires? Is that wolf I saw on TV a werewolf?"

"No," was all he said, serious and stoic. Nothing else. As if he was completely sane telling her that she was a faerie with . . . magic.

Rebecca rolled her eyes, pulling a stray piece of hair behind her ear. She stared Mikael knowing that he could see the expression on her face. "I kept telling myself that you don't do drugs but now I'm seriously reconsidering it. What're you on? Because it must be good. Give some to me and I'll try it." Not that she'd take it. Still, if it could convince someone faeries were real she'd be tempted to. "And why don't vampires exist? If faeries do then vampires have to. It's only logical."

"They don't exist. If they did we'd all be dead." He stared at her. "I'm not high right now. I've done some weed before but not in a while. So I know your logic is flawed."

"You really are crazy," she said in shock. "You wanna talk about logical? Logical is telling me that doctors operate on people. That some people are annoying. Not that I'm a faerie with magical powers."

"You've always been different. You know it and I know it."

Rebecca scoffed, laughing so hard she started to snort loudly. Gasping for breath, she managed to say, "Seriously? You're going with that? I'm the orphan with too much baggage. I'm not some magical wish granting faerie. Besides, wouldn't people like me then?"

He sighed, pulling off his leather jacket. Rebecca didn't shove it away when he laid it over her legs, realising she was shaking from the cold. Obviously too distracted by the absurdity of the situation, it had escaped her notice. "Then explain to me what happened back there at the school."

"It certainly wasn't because of faerie magic, that I can tell you. Maybe he decided to see if the wall would bounce him back. Who knows? With all the cigarette he smokes I doubt he has any brain cells left."

Shoving a hand through his hair he made a sound of pure and utter exasperation. "Who the hell jumps at a brick wall to see if they'll bounce back?"

Rebecca raised an eyebrow, rolling her eyes. "Who the hell tells someone they're a faerie?"

"Touché," he muttered, smirking.

Rebecca didn't let it distract her from his lack of sanity. "So, what's your theory on what happened? He was bored? Or am I to blame?"

He shrugged. "You can't control it."

She raised a cynical eyebrow. "So you're say it is my fault?"

"No. Just drop it. Clearly I can't convince you."

"This isn't funny. I'm not laughing. Go ahead and tell me I'm the brunt of your not-so-funny joke." She hoped it was all a joke, though now she wasn't feeling so optimistic. He still hadn't broken character. Maybe he was convinced she was a faerie.

               "Do you want me to take you to him?"

               Rebecca blinked at the sudden subject change. "Who?"

               "The guy you think isn't breathing."

               Oh. She felt so horrible considering she didn't even know his name. "He's not breathing."

               "He is."

               Rebecca stared him down. "You're trying to distract me now, aren't you? So I forget that you're delusion and you believe in faeries."

               He didn't deny it. "People believe in a lot of things."

               "You believe in fairies when you're five. Then you find out they're like Santa. As real as an imaginary friend." Though, Rebecca had never believed in Santa, or the Eater Bunny. No one had been there to buy her presents from "Santa" for Christmas. The Easter Bunny hadn't bought her chocolate. Fairies like Tinkerbell hadn't granted any wishes for her. She'd still been an orphan. Still remained unloved.

               "Do you want me to take you to him?"

               Rebecca glared. She'd come with him to get answers. So far she'd gotten none. "This isn't getting funnier."

               "Do I look like I'm trying to be funny?"

               She stared at him. His brows were low, mouth in a flat line. There was no hint of a smile, nothing that said he was enjoying himself by trying to fool her. His arms were crossed over his chest. "No. But you never do."

               "Ha. You're funnier than you think," he said dryly. "Really."

               Rebecca just stared back. "I'm not the one who believes in faeries." She stood, brushing stray leaves off of her lap. "So, are we going to see this zombie or what?"

               "He's not a zombie."

               "He wasn't breathing and now he is. You tell me that isn't the definition of a zombie," she deadpanned rhetorically. "Maybe he's a faerie too. Who knows how many of us there are out there. Maybe I have a sister somewhere."

               He stood, leather pants practically glued to his legs. It was the reason why Rebecca hated leather. "You don't. Follow me."

               Rebecca hurried her step to catch up to his long legs as they existed the garden area. "Time to see my first zombie," she said, loud enough for him to hear clearly.

               "You say that now."

There was a threat behind his words that Rebecca ignored. After all, she was just humouring him. She doubted he even had access to the hospital room.


If you've read this far a huge thank you!

FYI assignments and school suck right now. This is one of the few things keeping me sane xD

~ Littlemissflawed

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