First Day

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Mondays were the absolute worst for two reasons.

For one, they were not Fridays.

Fridays were hands down his favourite day of the week because they brought along with them the gift of an impending weekend where he'd get to sleep in, maybe string-out his shower and walk to Hogsmeade for a coffee.

And second, Mondays meant he'd have to get through another tedious week of classes where the professors incessantly droned on about pointless things. What was he supposed to do with the knowledge he'd acquired about hinkypunks anyway?

What was even worse was that he was starting his final year that particular Monday and he was running late because he'd overslept.

With his shirt half buttoned, tie untied and robe draped messily on his shoulders, Draco Malfoy rushed to Snape's classroom.

If it were up to him, he would have stayed in his room or gone up to the astronomy tower. But he needed the grades for the plans he had.

He really did.

Just when he thought things couldn't get any worse, something or rather someone collided with him causing a rather huge commotion in the otherwise empty hallway.
"Watch where you're going Hufflepuff." He seethed at the sight of the yellow accent on her robe.

"It's not my fault you are as blind as a bat." She retorted angrily as she began collecting stray parchment and books from the ground. "How are you even a seeker?"

He clenched his jaw when he heard this jab thrown his way and paused for an infinitesimal second to get a better look at her.

She'd changed over the summer but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. Maybe it was her hair that had gotten significantly longer than the last time he saw her. Or it was probably the light tan on her complexion and the curvature of her hips.

Not that he cared about the changes or kept track of them.

Loosely hung tie, shirt buttoned all wrong and dark circles under her eyes and a scowl decorating her face. It looked like her morning was equally as bad as his.
On any other day, he would have spat back more insults her way but that morning, he desperately needed to be in class.

He quickly dusted his robes and jogged to class, with her running right next to him. Upon entering, it came to his attention that only one table with two chairs remained empty.

I hate this. I hate it here.

Draco turned to his side to look questioningly at her like he was expecting some sort of telepathic communication to take place where she'd tell him that although it was highly inconvenient, sitting next to each other was the only way.

After a moment of hesitation, Draco reluctantly sat next to the Hufflepuff girl he'd unfortunately bumped into and curled his fingers into a fist when he noticed the entire class had let out shocked gasps and whispers.

"Malfoy is in class for's going to rain today." A Slytherin girl he barely ever talked to whispered to her friend.

"He's sitting next to... her..Esme Swanston...I mean, isn't he terrified?" Her friend whispered back and Draco took deep calming breaths to keep his cool.
"I don't think he cares..."

For a second, he wondered what the big whoop was about and concluded that presence in class may have come as a surprise in itself. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't surprised himself. He wouldn't even be there if he wasn't on probation. Fuck you Albus Dumbledore.

Out of mere curiosity to see if Esme was hating class as much as he was, Draco tilted his head just a little to catch a glimpse of her and that semi-permanent scowl that she wore more than her Hufflepuff robe.It was a hard pressed line on her mouth and it induced pressure along the corners. He was certain she had dimples on both cheeks. In a different circumstance, those tiny crescent indentations that would have even looked charming.

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