She did not

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Friday was a warm kind of day. The kind of day that made her want to reach for lighter fabric blends in muted colors.

The glorious sun was still high up and she shielded her eyes, looking up at the bright blue sky from the soft green grass that she laid on.

It would be five thirty in about an hour and she was still skeptical about putting on the dress Draco sent her the day before.

Although mostly recovered, Blaise was still on strict bed rest so there was no chance of him coming to the party.

And Draco, well..he was going with Astoria.

Ever since the kiss, Esme's mind kept drowning itself with more questions than answers because she could have sworn she felt something when his lips touched hers.

Hell, she felt more than something if she were being honest. Just this morning, she had woken up from a feverish dream of his blond head between her thighs.

When she'd slowly trailed her fingertips under the seam of her panties, she'd found herself slick with want. Her wetness had seeped down her inner thigh and her clit was swollen to the point where a single touch would have her coming undone.

Shaking the feeling off, Esme sauntered back to her room when she had about half an hour left before the clock hit five-thirty.

One quick shower and two spells to tame her hair later, she was standing in front of her dresser, looking at the dress.

Only after she had slipped the dress on however, she noticed the new changes.

It looked like Draco had gotten the dress customized to add a beaded trim with teardrop shaped crystals lining the hem of the frock.

When she slowly spun around, the last rays of sunlight caught onto the crystals reflecting fragments of rainbow coloured light into the ceiling.

As if that wasn't enough, Draco had charmed the sash to tie itself into a perfect bow on the back of her dress the exact way he had done it the first time.

Esme didn't have time to marvel over how he'd gotten the sash to tie itself that way because as soon as the clock struck five-thirty one, she heard a knock on her door.

Draco, stood on the other side of the door in black coloured dress pants and a perfectly tailored black button down shirt, with the top buttons left open. His hair was styled to the side and in his left hand, he held an undone tie.

Just the sight of him robbed her of all her breath and she had to grip the door frame to steady herself.

"I need help." He smirked, holding up the tie and Esme slowly backed away from the door to let him in.

Draco paused to look at her quietly for a brief second and she couldn't tell if he was impressed or disappointed.

"I saw what you did to the bow by the way." Esme mumbled twirling once to show him the back, suddenly nervous about his next reaction. "Very clever of you."

His left hand reached up and slowly landed on the left side of his chest. He broke into the faintest of smiles and let out an exhale. " Fuck me ."

Esme arched a brow at him, confused.

"Blaise might not be the only one to fall in love with you tonight, Catastrophe." He smirked playfully, before walking up to her to hand his tie.

"Yeah, right. If he was coming." Esme sighed. She'd forgotten all about Blaise the minute she was surrounded by his heady scent. The freshness of his soap and the musk of his cologne was so hard to miss.

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