Open 27/7

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The attempt to steal food from the kitchens was a failure and they now stood outside a dodgy looking inn at Hogsmeade.

She was wearing a knitted white beanie and her forehead was pressed against the window glass while he just stood there with his hands stuffed inside his pocket looking up at the neon sign.

Four Broom sticks?

They could have gone with so many different and more creative routes for the name like..."the earthy ..ferret" or..."". But they chose four broomsticks of all names.

"Looks like a lawsuit is on the horizon." Draco coughed, and tightened his green and silver scarf around his neck. It was far too late to be out at Hogsmeade and the September chill was starting to get to him.

"Well, beggars can't be choosers." Esme snapped. "Everything else is closed right now."

"Seems like a "you" problem, doesn't it?"

She whirled around to glare at him again but it was hard for him to take her seriously. Especially when she was wearing that ridiculous beanie with two pompoms. She'd also wrapped herself in a gigantic scarf and the only thing visible were her eyes and her cheeks.

"Let's just go inside, please." Esme groaned impatiently as she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him in through the door.

At this point he was just letting her drag him around. He'd initially made half hearted protests when she'd dragged him to Hogsmeade but now he was just going with the flow. Her flow .

"Table for two please." She said sweetly and Draco was awed by her ability to change demeanors on demand like that.

"I'd very much prefer it if you used that voice with me." He muttered as he sat down and got comfortable opposite to her. She didn't respond to him. She just gave him a dumbfounded look before proceeding to order something to eat.

" The usual please ." She said in that strangely sweet voice of hers again, making him draw up some conclusions about her as he ordered black coffee for himself.

From how comfortable Esme looked and the way she completely disregarded the menu indicated that she was a regular patron at this shifty joint. And when the food arrived, she instantly started to devour what looked like a sandwich of some sorts.

He only continued to observe her, almost fascinated with each sip of his bitter black coffee.

"First meal of the day huh?"

Esme nodded eagerly with her mouth full.

"Why did you skip dinner then?"

"That's none of your business." She mumbled, her left hand covering her mouth as she chewed.

"Considering how I have been dragged into this dismal and honestly shady looking place, I think you owe me an explanation at least."

"Ugh I just didn't find the time to eat okay?" She mumbled nursing a glass of water, while her left hand slightly pushed the plate towards him. "Here, try some."

"No. Thank you." Draco said at once, scrunching his nose . "I don't even know what's in it but I can already tell it's a strange combination.. looks like strawberry jam and...cheese?!"

"Well, don't say I didn't offer any." She shrugged. "Astoria likes this a lot."

His grey eyes lit up with curiosity and his cheeks turned bright pink at the sound of her name. Astoria's name had always been a weakness for him. Blaise Zabini, the only other person who knew about his infatuation had used her name several times in the past to guilt trip him into doing things.

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