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::: || Chapter 4 || :::


I woke up with a start when I hear a howl.

I jumped off of my bed and didn't bother wearing any jacket, knowing I've survived a worser winter. Anna was asleep, so I was on my own. But I knew that the guards were still roaming around this area.

It must be the pack passing by. Minutes later, the sound of running footsteps made me merge out from the waterfall.

A pack passed by, it seems as they were all men, because they were all big, and I see no pup at all. They ran with speed, but as soon as they all disappeared through the trees, four larger wolves came out to follow them.

One particular wolf stood out the most, the black alpha. He was huge, and he practically is a size of an elephant.

Suddenly, they stopped dead in their tracks and sniffed the air. I nervously stepped back, but suddenly, I felt Anna perk up.

I widen my eyes when she started pacing, I bit my lip. She was feeling energetic and wild, and I can feel something more there.

Then I realize, our mate was near. Anna yipped, she couldn't speak, but I know what she's saying.

She wants me to find our mate.

Gulping down my nerves, I rubbed my sweaty hands. Our mate was near...he was here. I...

I walked out of the waterfall and as they eyes snapped towards me, an unexpected surprise from one of dad's guards jumped in front of me.

I looked down at the pack warrior, "Sorry, but alpha's specific orders are to keep you safe and inside your house. Please go back to your house, alpha." I gulped and looked back up at the four wolves, the black wolf stepped a little closer but before he could come closer, more of my father's guards came.

I sighed, I raised my arms, "Fine fine, I'm going." I took one last glance at the black wolf before turning around and walked my way inside the waterfall.

My wolf whimpered. I grumbled, "I'll let you hunt down our mate once I let you out, okay?" My wolf silenced herself, meaning she agrees.

I went back inside my house, with the black wolf in my mind.


Morning came, and it was time for Anna to come out. I summoned her out, she looked up at me for approval. I smiled softly and nodded, "Go hunt down our mate." She bows at me before sprinting off.

I stared at her retreating form before deciding to sit down on the ground. Our mate was around...he's around. Who is he? How...I'm...

I shook my head.

I sighed and decided to visit Auntie Terra's bakery. I went to take a shower and changed into some jeans and a simple sweater.

Some of the wolves from the Bourne pack may think I'm human, since they can't sense I'm a Summoner. So wearing a sweater on a strong winter may confuse them. But I don't care, they'll soon find out, if I want them to that is.

I knew that for sure, my father will be mad, but who cares? I'll live my own life!


Walking inside the bakery, I was soon greeted by the heat of hot buns and the smell of freshly baked cakes.

The sound of bells rang out, "Order up!" I shook my head. Sometimes, I wonder if this was a restaurant or a bakery.

I say down at one of the usual tables that I sit on before a waitress came up to me, "Alpha, the usual?" I nodded with a stiff smile. She scrambled away to get my order.

I always come here, because Auntie Terra's cakes really set me on paradise. My favorite cake was the Macaroni Cake. It was surely not a macaroni, but it was a cake and it exactly tastes like macaroni, only ten times delicious and heavenly.

Another set of bells rang out throughout the bakery, indicating that someone had entered. There were loud voices

I rolled my eyes, surely, my pack don't act like this, so it means that some of the pack members from Bourne pack decided to explore.

"Good day, welcome to the pack's bakery." Auntie Terra's voice boomed out.

"Hello, do you have any fruits here? I'm starving!" I looked up, covering my grin as I stared at Auntie Terra's dumbfounded expression. "Uh, fruit cakes, yes yes—"

"No, I mean fruit, as in fruit, fresh fruits."

Auntie Terra's jaw clenched, before a fake smile stretched on her face. "Sorry to disappoint, but this is a bakery, we only sell baked—"

"Aw! But that's not fair! I want fresh fruits!"


"Argh! Just shut up for a moment." Then, the blonde girl who spoke flipped her hair. I could tell Auntie Terra's temper was about to burst, like literally.

Suddenly, a booming voice startled everyone, even me. "Veronica, we didn't come here to fight. Apologize." The voice was deep, clearly it was someone superior.

But it was impossible, I can't melt inside. But it felt like I just did. "Sorry Gamma... and em, sorry lady." The blonde muttered. Did she just said Gamma?

Auntie Terra's high pitched laugh made us cringe, "You should be."

The blonde glared at her, "Bitch please—"

Okay, that's my cue. I stood up quickly and stood in between, "Ladies ladies, we're all friends here right?" I said.

Auntie Terra glanced at me before back at the blonde, who glared at me, "Who do you think you are human? Mind your own business?"

So, she still doesn't know. I decided to play for a while, "Um...we're all human here." Auntie Terra raised an eyebrow at me but stayed silent.

The blonde widen her eyes, before she could speak, a man pulled her out of my sight and stood in front of me. "I'm sorry about my girlfriend."

I looked up at the man and see him smile knowingly, "I'm Killian, and you are?"

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