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::: || Chapter 8 || :::


It hurt. Sitting up straight, I looked around me. I was in a small cozy room and there were medical things beside me.

I felt my wolf stir.

I was finally awake. I looked down at my stomach to see a faint wound of the stab. I smiled lightly, I healed all too quickly.

I rolled my head and stretched. I sighed and got out of bed, my body still felt sore but other than that, I was fine.

My wolf was pacing around, thinking of the same thing. The attack.

Why would vampires be involved? Most importantly, who was their leader? And why did they want me?

Isn't is obvious? You're the Winter Wolf, the myth and the legend. You aren't suppose to exist now, not until winter came that is.

Oh yeah...

The issue was this: I was mostly known as the Winter Wolf, but nobody knows it was me. They don't even know that it's a Summoner. My pack only knew me as the Alpha's daughter and the Summoner (but it's a pack secret). The Winter Wolf was believed to be a 'hero' during winter, it hunts and saves.

I received that title when last winter, I saved my father from an ambush. What our pack didn't know was that it was me. They only knew of the Winter Wolf because it was white as snow, black laced tattoo ran down it's back like a beautiful pattern of vines, and it only comes out on winter.

It was important that the Winter Wolf was to be hidden, or else other forces will start hunting for it and use it as a weapon—use me as a weapon rather.

Nobody knows about me being a Summoner, but having hunters who have red eyes suddenly call me out as one was peculiar and strange. It was a pack secret, not unless...

I stood up straight and started pacing around. Deciding to shower, I went to the bathroom and did my business.

I changed into some comfortable clothes and walked out.

Anna decided to summon out.

I walked out of what I realized was the pack house and looked around my surroundings, I saw all eyes went to me.

Whoa, too many people. What were they doing here?

Quickly, I saw my mom running up to me, "My baby!" I hugged back, when I pulled away, she slapped me right in the face. I gasped. She hugged me again, but more tightly, "Don't do that again." She sternly said.

I smiled lightly.

When I saw dad come up to me, he smiled, "Honey, you're finally awake." He took turns and hugged me.

Anna yipped. I looked around and saw Zander's eyes weren't on me, but on his Beta, who he was currently talking to.

"Why's everyone here?"

"We left you to rest for a few hours, we're still waiting for the others to come back—they went to hunt down the rest of the hunters." I nodded at the confirmation.

"Dad, aren't you going to discuss the issue with the leaders?" I whispered to my father.

He nodded, "I already called them down, but the meeting is to be taken place at the North Building."

I started fidgeting, "Dad—"

"Honey, please listen to me," he said which made me silent, "your wellbeing is one of the most important thing I worry about in my life. You being what you are can also be a weapon that can rule over this era. I don't want you anywhere near danger, so I hope you understand that whatever overprotective things I do for you, is always for your wellbeing. Alright?"

I stayed silent at first, but then I began to hesitate. "Dad, I'm strong, you know that. And you of all people should know that I'm not gonna stand aside and watch people protect me from afar. I want to be a part of a fight where I am the fallen prize. I need to be part of this dad, okay?"

Both of us debated through our eyes, thinking deep and trying to manipulate the other to back down. But I was an alpha too, I have alpha blood in me, my father is the alpha, and I am also stubborn. I'm not backing down.

Alas, my dad huffed and crossed his arms. "Fine, but I want you to do something for me first."

I nodded.

"You are well informed of Alpha Zander's sister, right?" I blinked at the information, "Yes, I am fully aware and shock, how can you say that all of the sudden to me when I was training?"

"Because I wanted it to be unexpected, now focus," I grumble, "he asked me a favor."

I perked up at that, while my wolf started pacing anxiously—I knew what she was thinking, she wanted to do whatever favors she'll have to do just for our mate. I began doubting her skills, I'm sure she's fully aware that we shouldn't do whatever things he wants us to do just so we want to; I don't want us to become lap dogs.

Aaannnddd...I'm getting off topic.

"He wants you to teach her sister how to fully understand her ability."

I crossed my arms, "What? How is that possible? I mean...from all the stuff Elder Yen taught me, I'm sure it's quite easy to handle it. It's like being a Shifter too, but only this time, a Summoner. You can easily bond with your wolf as soon as you hit the perfect stage."

"Sweetie, it's not easy as what others might think. You were potentially born that way and easily controlled it because you have an easy going wolf. But Lilly? She's been struggling to even make contact with her wolf."

"Huh, that's her name." I mumbled.

"Listen Maya, you need to help her. Or else when the time comes, she won't be able to protect her own self. Learning self defense is a lot different than learning what you can actually do with yourself."

I hummed, thinking this through.

I couldn't possibly tell them to not just teach her, because that'll be cruel. Even though the idea was much easier, because hunters won't even know she's like me, it will still be such a grave act.

Learning to control what you have and who you are is one of the most important thing you should know in surviving a lustful of different creatures; it's the only opportunity you'll survive this world.

I couldn't imagine not being one with Anna, so I guess it's only fair that I do this, or else the poor girl will suffer.

"Fine," I sighed, "but I have to speak to Alpha Zander with this."

That was probably the worst idea in the world.

My father narrowed his eyes at me, "Yes, we still need to discuss about that."

I nodded, imaging what the future will bring us.

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