20: The new god

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At the sight of their Soulmate's lifeless bodies dangling in the air, Jungkook and Taehyung completely lost their footing on the ground and plummeted digging
their knees into the dirt. All of their strength  sucked out of their body as if it was they were the ones whose blood was drained dry. It didn't take long for both of them to collapse due to excruciating pain, after all, their life was tied to their mate and with them gone, both the brothers were good as dead.

Shrilling screams of Veronica resonated as she watched the limp bodies of her beloved sisters hanging down from clutches of their enemy while Tenessia and Minerva lost their consciousness not being able to bear the shock.

"ARRRRGHHHH" Blinded by anger Yoongi charged at the man responsible for his family's plight followed by Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin but before they could reach him, the members of Akumano intervened by engaging them in the battle of death.

The man watched the bloodbath laughing like a maniac witnessing then discarded the bodies of the twin into the ground
as they were no longer useful. Their blood had transformed him into the most powerful being to ever exist. He was a god now. The god who could control all seven thirios.

He shifted his attention to the unconscious child in Veronica's arm and giving her a malicious simper, he towed them towards him with his telekinesis. He then snatched the little girl from Veronica while restraining her throat into his strong hold.

"A Nova, golden blood" he whispered in an amused tone eyeing the blond woman scuffling in his grasp.

He had to admit, her tan skin appeared mouth watering enough to urge him to plan the celebration of his victory in his bed by wrecking her delicate pussy.

"You hips looks delicious," he mused tracing his finger along Veronica's face as she eyed him with nothing but disgust.

"You shall bear my children" he proclaimed but she spat at him in response.

Before he could vent his anger at her disrespect, a blow landed on his side making him loose his grip on the woman who managed to land a spinning kick on his jaw, detaching herself from his claws.

"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY WIFE" Yoongi growled decapitating one of his commanders and marching toward him with every intention of giving him the most painful death.

Composing himself, Derek scoffed then he let out a puff that was so destructive that it blew Yoongi away like he was a paper caught in a hurricane.

"Enough of foreplay," Derek roared gripping nothing in the air and suddenly all of them could physically feel his large hand wrapped around their throat squeezing their life out and depriving them of oxygen.

With his one sharp movement, they were thrashed in the ground like ragged dolls pinned against the dirt.

"For seven thousand years... I have been yearning for this day for seven thousand years" he disclosed as his lips curved into a devious grin getting to witness the fall of so-call-almighty Uchihas.

"At last, my wait is over" he inhaled deeply relishing the fact he was causing Uchihas to whimper in dread below his feet.

"With the power of twin Syndicate, I am invincible" his shoulder vibrated as he chortled throwing his head back rejoicing that he had devil's spawns in his palm  and he could crush them like mere insects.

"I AM THE NEW GOD OF THIS UNIVERSE" He bellowed his body blazing brighter as he raised his free hand up and just like his puppet,Kawashaki was also up floating in the air with her eyes glowing red.

"NOT EVEN POWER OF THIRIOS CAN STOP ME NOW" he shouted as the entire sun turned black in his command.

"I, DEREK BETHORY, WILL BE THE GOD OF THE WORLD I CREATED BY PURGING THE SINFUL BLOOD OF UCHIHAs" He announced making his voice echoed in the mind of every single being all over the realm including humans.

"I shall end the legacy of the Emperor but first I will end the Emperor himself" he declared staring up and pointing up to the gloomy sky.

"I will end Uchiha Sasuke right in front of his descendant and his worshippers. I will show the universe what pitiful excuse of life their Emperor is" he challenged drunk in the new strength that was expanding inside of him like a wildfire.

"UCHIHA SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!" he hollered demanding for the Emperor.

"Come and face me you cowards" he snickered spreading his arms and shouting towards the sky

"Come and save your prescious people" the aura around him seared and radiated furthermore as his heart pumped the blood that was power itself

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" A tiny voice interrupted Derek's monologue and when he averted his gaze he found a cat glaring at him wagging her tail getting vexed.

"Heh" Derek arched his eyebrows at a cat who appeared to be just a normal demon cat. He was amused by its audacity to treat him like he was beneath her.

"Don't you think, you are giving yourself too much of importance to believe that the Emperor would appear because you called" The cat scoffed behaving as if the man in front was nothing but a nuisance.

One of the Derek commanders, sneered at the cat and in her lighting speed, pounced to end its worthless life for disrespecting her master but with one wave of its tail, the cat made her disappear in thin air.

"Like seriously I am tired of your tantrums, Dont you know all a cat wants is to sleep and eat in peace" the cat grumbled narrowing its eyes complaining.

Triggered by its impudence behaviour, Derek wasted no time blasting his highly concentrating ball of chakra at her but his shot ceased to exist before it could even reach the cat.

The cat smoothly transformed into a girl no more than age ten. Her hair was a hue of orange and her tiny cat ears perked as she made her way towards the man glowering at her, swaying her tail. The cat snapped her fingers and the thirios that was floating in the air returned back to her senses and then safely drifted into its arms of Veronica like she was feather.

Derek staggered backwards realizing the girl before him was non-other than the protector of human land, the thirios Lullaby.  He composed himself knowing that her power was useless against him because of the holy blood he had ingested.

"You can do no harm to me" Derek smirked in confidences because the blood he had ingested had reduced the great thirios, Lullaby into a simple cat in front of him.

"I know that's why I decided to do you a little favour" Lullaby began casually.

"Let me call the emperor for you so that I can finally eat in peace" unexpectedly brutally severed body of the commander that had disappeared a few moments ago re-appeared behind her. Returning his smirk, she looked up in the sky and the burst of lighting hit the ground as Kaiser The Emperor Uchiha Sasuke finally made his entrance.


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