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Garu Pov :

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, this morning. Mio was laying peacefully on my chest which made my mood swift away.

I gently held him down on my bed.

I was getting ready to head myself down to Goh-Rong for some noodles for Dinner

As I walked by something caught my eye

Tobe?... He seemed joyful? He was speaking to someone?

I Tried to get a sight to who he was speaking to

But to my surprise it was....

Pucca Pov :

I was done delivering the box of noodles to the customers, So I decided to take a break and lay a bit in the forest

Especially when you cried at night and wake up with puffy eyes..

" what a long day " I sighed

I heard a bunch noises which sounded familiar. I stood up to check what it was

It was Tobe with his ninjas?

I came up to him to see what type of shenanigans his up to again, After I tapped him in his shoulder He was startled of my presence

" Cute " I thought

what? what was that. huh??!

I shaking my head to get those weird thoughts away .

"Oh hello Pucca" He smirked

I replied With an annoyed face

" Oh, Pucca being protective of Garu.
How sweet, But Pucca Im not in the mood to get my revenge on Garu"

"Me and my Ninjas have decided to stop this nonsense grudge against Garu. "

Oh wow Tobe matured faster than me. Never thought this day would happen, But then again I doubt he was serious.

"Me and my ninjas were getting ready too head to Goh Rong "

"Would you care to come and have dinner with us? " He sounded genuine and looked serious?

Huh? Did Tobe asked me out to eat with them? Tobe The Villain?

This is probably just one of his plans, But I'd like to see how this end.

Garu Pov :

Pucca? Why is Pucca talking Tobe?

"Weird" I thought.

I tried to ignore them, But my curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to know what they were talking but it seemed the conversation has already end.

Seemed like nothing , So its better to head to my original destination.

But did little did Garu know....

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