Chapter 16

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The blood left Synne's face. She desperately wished the last 30 seconds had been in her imagination.

"Ms. Montaigne, I do have an event that requires my presence in the near future. I do not have all day."

Synne took a deep breath and came out from behind the bush.

She could now appreciate Enzo's full height. He towered above her as he walked towards her, straightening the sleeves of the suit jacket he had just slid back on. Synne eyed him warily.

"How did you know I was there?"

"The wind speaks to me." He said it like it was the most obvious fact in the world.

Enzo finally lifted his eyes to Synne, inspecting her. "My name is Lorenzo Torres. We need to talk."

"I hope it involves more words than your discussion with Esmeralda."

Lorenzo barked out a laugh, "God no. I knew your father."

Synne found her back suddenly straightening but couldn't find any words.

Lorenzo stepped nearer to Synne, "I was close with Colin for years, because of that I don't hold much trust in this circle. I want you to know we'll be looking after you but there's only so much that I can do here. I need you to stay out of trouble until your Trials. Just know you can trust me, despite what you see in there." He cocked his head in the direction of the manor, "Do you understand?"

Synne opened her mouth, she had a million questions for Lorenzo but couldn't decide on one.

"Do you understand?"

Synne nodded.

Lorenzo peered down at her with pity in his dark amber eyes, "Good. No one can know that we have had contact." He turned to leave but stopped, sighing, "Your father never wanted you dragged into this world. I am truly sorry."

He walked briskly away, disappearing between the trees.

Synne fell down to her knees, a combination of adrenaline and fear rushing through her. Her heart broke and she began to cry. The mention of her dad had brought back feelings that she hadn't felt since before the Naiad bargained away her emotional memories. She shouldn't be able to feel this, intense anger for his lies, pain for his loss. To miss her dad so deeply in her bones that she couldn't breath.

She hadn't realized how hard she was crying until she felt cold hands on shoulders. They slid down her arms and sat behind her, pulling her into an embrace. They held her while her sobs turned to whimpers. She was completely drained. The embrace felt so safe, so secure, she didn't question it.

"Synne, breath." the familiar voice of Caser washed over her as he murmured into her neck, "Or else you're going to make me cry and no one wants that."

Synne let out a small laugh. Her voice shook, "I don't understand, the Naiad wanted my memories, she took them... why do I feel like this?"

Caser stroked her hair, Synne leaned further back into him, "Naiads are not evil and they're certainly not dumb. This likely has to do with whatever they were trying to teach you about yourself."

They sat there on the forest floor in silence, Synne too drained to ponder it further.

Caser didn't seem to mind.

She sighed, pulling herself from Caser's embrace to stand. "Thanks.. you didn't have to stick around for all that." Her face flushed.

"Nonsense, sunshine. I could feel your pain through your magik."

Synne studied his face. The wrinkles around his mouth were filled with worry. Even his shadowy silhouette had stilled from concern. Concern for her. Maybe she did have a friend in this hellscape.

"I-" Synne cut herself off, leaning in towards Caser's face. She couldn't quite find the words to properly thank him. She caught herself watching his mouth, slightly open as if he too had something more to say.

Then their lips met. It was hard to tell who had initiated the kiss but one thing was for sure, it was reciprocated either way. Synne was surprised how cool his lips were on hers, how expert his mouth moved. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her in tighter. She hadn't realized her hands were tangled behind his head.

She had kissed boys before, had slept with boys before. But something in the gentleness, the sureness of Caser's kiss told her she was in the presence of a man. Or as much of a man that a vampyre could be.

She pulled back, breathless, leaning her forehead on his. He was breathing heavy, as if restraining himself took more effort than Synne knew.

Synne shrunk back, turned and walked away. She didn't see Caser's reaction as she briskly took off towards the manor. She wasn't sure she could have registered it in her brain anyways, her head was so filled with different emotions and thoughts she didn't know what to do with herself. She needed to escape this place, not become further attached to their world. Not to mention that Caser clearly pitied her. He only did that to get her to stop crying, or maybe his motives were darker. Whatever it may be, Synne felt like it had been a mistake.

Dusk had bloomed across the sky as she walked up to the manor doors. She hadn't realised how late it had gotten. The windows of the manor illuminated the grounds in strips of light.

More than there should have been.

Synne could hear voices as she stood in front of the grand black doors. Hand hesitating over the door knob.

A hand clawed at her arm, ripping her back.

"Where have you been?" Rolo hissed through his teeth. His immaculate black suit now adorned with a dark green tie.

Good job, Synne, we really wanted to be on his bad side.

She nervously cleared her throat, "I've been, uh, practicing."

Rolo's grip didn't waiver, "You're needed for tonight's event."

Black smoke engulfed them and when it cleared, Synne found them in her bedroom. Her stomach rolled, the smell of decay doing nothing for her nausea.

"Laysa!" Rolo snapped, "Clean her up and have her ready in 10 minutes. I'll be back." The door slammed behind him.

Laysa appeared beside her, guiding her to the vanity. "Oh miss, you've really done it now."

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