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Kassie's Pov

Church was so good today! My honey preached a mighty word and we closed out service with some words from our favorite friend. Well, I'd like to say "my favorite friend."

"Greg, thank you so much for coming outttt!" I said giving him a hug as he walked into my office with Anthony.

I'd already come to the back with my sister while they were out fellowshipping. I was ready to get out of these shoes and this dress is squeezing my ribs too tight.

"Oh, no doubt! Y'all my people!" He replied. Anthony walked in behind him and went to sit down.

Something about the way he sat down and stretched his legs out made me hot. My husband is so fine! Gosh, that man makes me want to jump his bones every second of the day. I look over at him and smile slightly as I bit my lip. He did the same and cleared his throat and pulling his pants out to get comfortable.

Greg is sitting down on the sofa and I go to sit down as well.

As I walked passed him, I noticed him watching me walk by with his eyes practically glued to my behind. It kind of made me blush to think that he looked at me any other way than a friend. I mean what can I say, he is good looking himself. Lord, what am I thinking?

I sat down and pulled out my phone while the two caught up on conversation. I posted our picture to Instagram and acknowledged that he's been a member of our church for years. We truly appreciate that.

As I'm looking at the picture, I can't help myself but to think about how fine these men look next to me. Almost immediately, it's like their scents smothered me and my mind went to a different place. All I can think of now, is them hugging me a little closer and with a little less clo-.... I'm snatched out of my thoughts when Anthony says "Kassie, honey you alright? We were talking to you?"

I blush instantly and shake my hand off apologizing. "Oh, I'm sorry what were y'all saying?" My nerves skyrocket and i get a little moist under my dress. I feel hot all over and I'm trying to contain it because I'm embarrassed of what I was just thinking about.

"Greg here was just going on and on about how beautiful you looked today and I told him if I wasn't too sure I'd think he was trying to get at you." He laughed loudly and Greg joined in. I chuckled a little "Aha, well thank you. You didn't look too bad yourself." I said and he winked at me while still laughing.

Anthony noticed and smiled. It was a very unknowable smile. That's until what he said next.

"Kassie, honey come here." He said patting his lap. I get up and go to sit in his lap. As soon as I sit down, he moves his hands across my lower back and rested it on my behind. It made chills run down my spine. He adjusted us in the chair and it shifted me directly in the center of his lap. We kept talking small talk and I noticed how Greg was staring directly at me. Anthony's hand wrapped around closer to the front of my thighs and I could feel him scooting in the seat. The friction was causing him to rub against me and making me wet. At this point, I could tell that he was doing this on purpose.

We wrapped up with talking and Greg was getting up to leave and Anthony stopped him.

"Say man, I have a question before you go?"

"Wassup Ant?" Greg said.

"You crushing on my wife? I mean I've seen you stare at her this whole time and I just want to know. I know I got the finest woman in the world." He chuckled.

Greg's face got a little flush as he got nervous but he answered truthfully and said "Well Yeah, Ant I am. She's stunning and it's something about the way she looks today that's kind of attractive to me." He went on.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26 ⏰

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