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After composing yourself and your friends, you take whatever that is necessary. You put on your bag for protection, taking your books and wrapping them around Amber and Noelle's arm as they help you with yours later on. 

Amber takes as much arrows as she can as Noelle prepares some baseball bats for her and you. You check around the storage again in case you left anything behind. You see cardboard boxes storing baseballs, you had an idea and called Noelle and Amber over.

"Guys! What if we use the cardboard as a shield?" you asked. "That's a good idea actually." Amber replies. Noelle nods in agreement. You dump the baseballs out of the box and starts making a shield with what you have left. While making the box you can still hear distant screams which terrify everyone in the storage room.

While looking for more tape in your stationary case, you noticed that you bought your paper blade along. You put it in your pocket in case of an emergency. Actually this entire virus if an emergency. Sarcasm, am I right?

After finishing, you join Amber and Noelle at the other end of the room. "Ready?' Noelle asked both you and Amber. "Not really but we don't have a choice, heh." Amber says while shrugging her shoulders. 

"I'll go out first." you state. "No, I'll go first." Noelle declines you from being in front. "I'll hold the shield, you and Amber can follow at the back. I'll be fine." you reassure her. Before Noelle can fight back, amber speaks up. "Guys, guys. Don't fight, if Y/n insist they go in front let them. They have the shield right?" 

Noelle sighs, "I'm just worried, but okay. Be careful when you open the door Y/n, I'll help if there's a zombie."

Hearing the word zombie, you still can't believe there's a zombie outbreak, or a virus outbreak at your school.

You look under the door to see the zombie from before isn't there anymore. You slowly open the door, your weapon half in the open in your bag and your 'shield' in front. You look around to see, no one.

Amber at the back, bow drawn. You look around again to confirm if there's no one in sight, and there wasn't. "Clear." you say under your breath. "Got it." Amber and Noelle say in sync.  

A few heartbeats later, you hear someone struggling. Noelle speaks in a low voice, "There's someone there." "Do we go over?" Amber asks. "It's dangerous." you reply, unsure if you should follow the struggling voice. "We have to help." you hear your silver haired friend say again. 

"Fine." you reply.

You soon see a beige haired student putting his book in between the zombie's mouth, preventing it from biting him. You rush over and smacks the creature in the head, leaving behind your shield. It recovers from the blow and turns it's head to you. Before it could do harm to you, Amber's bow go through it's head, making it fall to the floor. "Well, I think you have to do harm to it's brain to kill it." Amber says.

You recognized the student once he stood up, it was Albedo, your ex-classmate. "Y/n?" he says in shock. "Albedo, didn't expect to meet you, like this." you reply. "Thank you so much for your h-" before he could finish his sentence, you hear a scream.

But the scream, sounded like it belonged to a... child? "Oh no, no, no... K-" before he could shout the name that started with k, you cover his mouth. "Listen, the zombies will hear that, if they attack us, we'll never save that kid." you cover his mouth with holding his shaking hand. Noelle and Amber trusts on what your doing and stands on guard in case of a zombie.

"We have to get her." he says frantically after you let go your hand from his mouth and hand. "It at the cafeteria, what if there's zombies there."

"She's my sister, we have too." he says again, running out of patience. Noelle and Amber look at you to make a decision. "Fine, fine." you say in a stressed voice. You pick up your bloody bat and shield. 

"Noelle, give Albedo a bat." you say to the group while everyone runs to the cafeteria. At the entrance of the cafeteria, Noelle passes him the bat. 

You see the most unbelievable thing. A child, throwing, fireworks, while standing on a table, setting some on fire. "What the hell." you say in disbelieve. "I'll distract them." Noelle says. "No, you aren't, you're going to die." Amber says holding her back. "We're running out of time." Albedo reminds you. 

Screw it. You'll distract them. 

Without telling them, you ran to the other end of the cafeteria. "Over here!" you scream at the top of your lungs, you never screamed so loud in your life. The gray skinned dan horrifying students noticed you and you start running to the other direction. You ran like you never ran before, you can hearing Noelle and Amber screaming at you to come back.

But you couldn't, if you did. Everyone would die, including the kid. You kept running, running out of breath as well. While running, you see a cellphone on the floor. You picked it up, almost slipping dan falling down. 

You were now almost near the wall, also the end of the cafeteria, unless you make a turn, towards Noelle, Amber, Albedo and the kid who refuse to leave without you. You prayed the phone wasn't on lock, and it wasn't. You kept running while turning on music on the phone.

"C'mon c'mon, goddamn it." you cursed.

 Putting the music volume on full blast, you threw it aside.

Luckily, the zombified students went for the phone and not you. You head towards the group, you fell down right in front of them. "You crazy- why did you do that?" Amber asked you while hugging you. Noelle had tears on her eyes and Albedo was comforting the kid. "Heh, for you guys, including that kid." you say, still on the floor.

"We have to get out of here, by the way." you speak again, still panting. The group helps you and escapes the cafeteria. The group follows the corridor and it lead to the music room. Amber tries pushing open the door, it's barricaded. 

"It's barricaded." Amber says while panting.

"If anyone is in there, please let us in. We don't want to harm anyone." Albedo says while holding the child. The door slowly opens and a person with braided hair looked at you.

"Venti?" you say, still panting. "Oh my gosh, y/n." he says in shock. "Who is it?" a voice follows up behind. "A friend, Xiao. It's ok." Venti replied the voice.

After the group goes it, you see the person Venti was in the music room with. He was not very happy that Venti's friend bought along an entire group.

"I thought you said 'a friend', Venti. One. Not an entire party." he scoffs. "Hey-" Amber was already stressed out and tired enough, she didn't need anymore insults.

"Stop that, I'll check them if they're bitten, ok. Don't need to put on that sour face." Venti sighs.

After checking everyone, Venti puts on a smile.

"Well, you're clear." Venti said. "Ah, and that's Xiao." he says while pointing at the green haired student. He just nods at the group with his arms folded. You understood why he was paranoid, there's an outbreak, you couldn't really blame him.

Everyone introduces each other. The kid's name is Klee, you were still wondering why the hell she had fireworks in her backpack. Venti and Xiao also gets to know the group. 

Albedo seems to know Venti and talks to him while asking you to take care of Klee for a while. Amber and Noelle are checking the supplies and Xiao looks like he wants to be alone.

 You sit down on the floor next to Klee, "Hi there." you say with a small smile.

"Hi there Miss Runner! I'm Klee! Thank you for saving me earlier!" she said while waving her hand. "Aw, my name isn't miss runner, you can call me y/n." you reply the little girl. "Hehe, ok!" she smiles.

"I have a question for you Klee, why do you have, uh, fireworks in your backpack?" you asked. "Oh! Klee loves fireworks! They're really sparkly and fun!" she said while making explosion gestures with her little hands. "I see, don't hurt yourself." you pat her head. 

She nods, smiling again.

A/N: That's it for this chapter! Hope you liked it, have a nice day/night. 

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