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⏤ ⏤ ✎  .ೃ    𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖺𝗇𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 .

(name) sighed. as she waited patiently for the next train to direct her straight to her beloved apartment, she couldn't help but stare at a familiar-looking train rider not too far from her. she mindlessly shrugged it off and paid attention to the arriving train, hoping to find a seat inside.

just as she sat down, numerous emails came flooding in, ignoring the previously clean and empty inbox. reluctantly turning on her mobile device, she reluctantly scanned through its contents, abruptly stopping on a strange one. she shrugged it off, deciding to read through the more important emails before checking on the odd one out.

it took (name) quite some time to get to it, wasting nearly ten minutes trying to read the emails sent by her colleagues and co-workers. 'out of every fucking second of the day, you chose to email and confirm with me when i'm on my way home? i really need to talk to mr. yoo about this. but, it's not like he's going to do anything about it.'

irritation filled (name) as she sent the rushed replies to its respective emails. along with a small surprise at the end, of course.

her drifting eyes laid upon the odd email, contemplating whether to open it and find out it was some stupid kuora newsletter email and try her very best to handle her irritation and annoyance, or wait till she gets home and get ready some noise cancellation headphones so she could scream inside the bathroom without disturbing anyone.

'what type of username is this? tls123? did they send it to me by accident? probably. anyway, since it's not directed to me, i should read it.'

lightly tapping on the file, a table full of contents flashed on her screen. 'wait, is this a content page of a webnovel or something? and why is there over three thousand episodes..?'

"TWSA? sounds familiar. but not too familiar enough. i'll just delete this since it's completely useless to me." just as (name) was about to send it to her bin, the lights started flickering on and off.

she glanced at the train's source of light, looking back at her mobile device to check the time. '6.59PM. there's still a few more hours to closing, and if i remembered, they just finished maintenance not long ago.'

the lights immediately flickered off completely after countless flickering. murmurs of panic erupted, worried and stunned at the sudden disappearance of their source of light. not a minute later, the train came to an abrupt stop, flinging those who were standing to the ground. the passengers that were seated, (name) included, had to grip on to either their seats, or a nearby pole.

the train eventually came to a complete stop, some passengers collapsing on the ground from how tightly they gripped the poles. just as everyone tried recollecting themselves from the sudden stop, an emergency announcement sounded the whole train cart.

"ladies and gentlemen, your attention please! p-please, evacuate, evacuate!"

murmurs erupted once again, annoying the shit out of (name). but a bright red light flashed about, all remaining conversations fall silent. it blinded (name) since she stared right into the strange source.

just as she blink open her eyes, another strange announcement sounded her ears.

"the free service of the 8612th planetary system has come to an end. the main scenario will begin now."

just with that statement, (name) smirked in amusement.

just with that statement, (name) smirked in amusement

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