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"ah, fuck it." (name) ran towards a random direction whilst scanning her surroundings. she stopped nearby to catch her breath, leaning against a vine-filled wall.

as she slowly managed to breath properly, she noticed that the whirring sounds from earlier was nowhere to be heard. neither was the manmade animal. (name) observed the walls surrounding her, noticing that some of the vines don't reach to the top. "guess climbing to the top using the vines is scratched off the list."

(name) conjured up a similar bow an arrow, angling the the arrow before shooting it. the arrow hit behind the top of the wall, making her smirk slightly. bingo. she tugged at the rope connected to the bow, deeming it safe enough for her to climb up carefully.

in just less than five minutes, she safely made it to the top. "okay, that was easy. now what do i do? escape? but there doesn't seem to be an exit anywhere." (name) sighed frustratedly, plopping down on the concrete and staring into space.

how about, crushing the manmade animal? (name) flinched in surprise at the sudden voice. "you scared me right there.. what do you mean by crushing it?"

sorry, i didn't mean to surprise you. but to answer your question, i've seen glimpses of the movie you're currently in. the maze changes every night, so if you know which part and wall of the maze is changing tonight, then you can lure the animal in, just in time for it to be crushed. it's just a suggestion though, since in the original movie, they entered some sort of opening and escaped by there.

"it's worth a try. then i guess i'll just wait till nightfall and take my chances."

(name) could hear the sounds of concrete moving against concrete, soon realizing it was nightfall. and the time for the change in maze patterns.

the hunter groaned as she got up, her body stiff from resting on the flat concrete surface for hours on end. she proceeded to look down and inspected the changing walls below her.

"the walls near the exit aren't changing.. why is that?" (name) mumbled to herself. she moved away from her spot, trying to find the animal from earlier. a familiar shrieking noise was heard from below which caused (name) to look down once more. "ah, i'm fucked."

the animal was noisily making its way up to her, its legs creating a hole in the wall. (name) quickly rushed off as she tried to remember the vague plan in her head. she easily jumped off each wall without fail, leaving quite a gap between the manmade animal and herself.

but for some reason, luck wasn't on her side at that point in time. (name) had unknowingly jumped on a wall that was moving, making her stumble slightly. her ears picked up a faint grinding sound not too far from her. there's where the plan will take place.

(name) conjured up a bow and arrow, shooting it near the wall she heard the faint grinding sound from. putting all her faith into her grip and the rope, she jumped once more. (name) purposely made her landing loud to attract the attention of the animal. she could hear shrieking coming closer.

"hurry it up already.." (name) mumbled to no one in particular. the wall was already starting to completely block of her way and the animal wasn't in sight at all. "hurry the fuck up, you little shit!"

and to her surprise, the animal made its grand entrance. (name) slowly backed up with the bow and arrow behind her back in any case she couldn't react as fast. the animal was about to swing its leg forward, with the intention to at least scratch her, when (name) pointed out her middle finger and was pulled back by her rope.

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