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⏤ ⏤ ✎  .ೃ    𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝗂𝗅𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝗎𝗇𝗂𝗍𝖾𝖽 .

"dokja! kim dokja!" a voice called out the moment her eyes landed on the male.

cue, gilyeong running towards him and wrapping his arms around dokja's waist. the others made their way to the man, all too glad to know he was fine. hyeonseong proceeded to apologise for leaving him at the station where it all happened.

dokja reassured him it was alright, before proceeding to glance around their mini group, then to the various survivors surrounding them. something was clearly not right, and his face gave it away.

"hey.. where's (name) and yoo junghyuk? i don't see them anywhere." dokja questioned, turning to the mini group of survivors.

"ahjusshi.. took noona away and left yesterday.." gilyeong replied sadly. dokja carressed his head, as he looked up to the others for confirmation. they nodded.

"none of them are here right now because they both left the station yesterday. we tried to stop him from dragging (name) along but he was dead set on having her with him no matter what." hyeonseong explained, causing the man to tilt his head a little.

"and she agreed?"

sangah decided to reply this time. "(name) must've realised that all efforts were going down the drain, so she reassured us that she'll be fine. she added that allowing her to follow him would lessen the grip hold he had on her wrist.. and she really did not like the possibilities of the marks becoming more visible.."

dokja stayed quiet, proceeding to turn to gilyeong. he sighed and nodded as a way to show he understood. suddenly, survivors armed with weapons such as bats, surrounded the mini group. then appeared myeongoh, creating a ruckus as usual.

"why did you have to drag me along? you fucking left gilyeong there. why couldn't you at least bring him along?" (name) complained, her wrist still still tightly held by junghyuk.

"he's not important. for the time being.." he whispered the last part to himself.

though his statement did cause (name) to stare at him in disbelief. "not important? did you just say not important? can't you read the situation? he's a kid, living in this fucked up world, surrounded by probably fucked up survivors back at the station. don't you feel at least some sympathy for that kid? at all?"

that made junghyuk question how important that child was to (name). if he was that important, then leaving without him was a big mistake. but what could he do? they've already traveled quite a distance from the station.

(name) grunted in frustration. no matter how much she regretted her decision, it was all in the past. she just have to hope the man that was on her mind for quite some time, survives like how her chosen constellation had reassured her. she hopes he reunites with the others and care for gilyeong in her place.

she could only hope for the best.

days had gone by for both parties, experiencing many different emotions throughout. eventually, junghyuk had decided to leave (name) at chungmuro station, with lee jihye, one of the people (name) had unintentionally saved.

the man had deemed the former student worthy of staying with (name) hence, the reason why he left her with jihye to continue on his journey.

a few days after he left, jihye had invited (name) to walk around the tunnels in hopes to find more food. "unnie, how old are you?"

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