Clearing the Air

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Hermione walked to the door with her swollen, bruised knuckles and a glass of milk. "I bought you that airtag for a reason, Ginny," she rolled her eyes playfully expecting her roommate to be on the other side of the door after once again forgetting her keys. Only when she opened the door, Ginny wasn't standing there. She looked out at and saw Bella in her tux, wearing a cloak covering her face. She was smiling at her with a strange look on her face. Hermione realized what she was staring at and slowly put her glass of milk on the table by the side of the door. She quickly tried to fix her hair and wipe some of her smeared makeup away but she winced at the pain in her hand. There was no saving her current look. She was sure she looked a mess but the pain coursing through her hand reminded her that she didn't care. She brought her hand up to her chest, nursing it. "Can I come in?" Hermione looked up and saw a small smile playing at the corner of her lips as if she was actively trying not to smirk. She nodded and moved aside so the older woman could enter. "Thanks," she said as she took her hood down. Hermione stared as her Professor closed the distance while she reached up, licked her thumb and swiped it across her upper lip, "you had some milk," she smiled and then took a step back.

"Hi," Hermione finally managed to squeak out, her cheeks blushing from the thought of her former lover wiping milk from her lip.




They both started their next sentences at the same time resulting in more nervous laughter and silence. "Would you like a cookie?" Hermione finally asked, trying to break the ice and ease the mounting tension filling the room. Bella nodded and watched as Hermione walked over to a bin full of cookies, returning and handing her a chocolate one. "Mrs. Weasley made these at Christmas and she wouldn't let me leave without enough to feed a small army. They are quite tasty though don't tell her but your baked goods are more delicious."

Bella took a bite of the cookie, "it's pretty good," she said after swallowing. "I see why you needed that milk though. These cookies are pretty rich." Hermione walked over to the door and grabbed her milk off the table and placed it in front of her Professor. "Thanks," she reached down, bringing the glass up to her lips and taking a sip. She saw Hermione staring at her and couldn't resist, "do I have a milk mustache that you are dying to clean off?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "that's not fair and no you don't. Apparently I'm the only one of us doomed to wear a milk mustache." 

"Well I personally think you looked cute with the mustache. And when have I ever said that I was a fair person?"

"Bella," Hermione sighed. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't know," Bella put the cookie down and walked away from the kitchen towards the living room. She ran a hand through her mane of curls. Bella pushed her glasses up to the top of her and pinched the bridge of her nose. There was so much that she wanted to say to Hermione but the moment she saw her all rationale and logic went flying out of the window and was replaced with an overwhelming need to kiss the younger woman. The playful banter was too easy to slip back into. She wasn't sure why she was there and said the first thing that came to her mind, "you left."

"I did."

"Why?" It was a simple question that Hermione was hesitant to answer. "Is it because you already assumed that I had moved on and started a new relationship with the woman you had just punched out who was bleeding on the floor?" She saw the grimace cross her student's face, "yes I'm not stupid Hermione. Hurt. But not stupid."


"I made my intentions very clear."

"Pardon?" Hermione scoffed, "I didn't know that you leaving me in the middle of the hallway and getting on a plane was supposed to symbolize anything other than you leaving."

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