Hermione's Confidant

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The sun shone brightly through the open crack between Hermione's curtains. A pained groan came from the bed as the brunette pulled her head out from under the pillow, softly cursing at the offending light source. "I'm never drinking again," she whined as a sharp pain attacked the back of her eyes. "Fucking hell," she sighed, struggling to get comfortable, "it wasn't even two full glasses of wine." Hermione closed her eyes and draped her arm over her face, taking a small amount of comfort in the relief it brought her. She remembered reading her book then taking a bath. She was thinking back over the course of the evening and her eyes shot open, urgently sitting up in bed. Immediately she felt suddenly vulnerable when she realized she wasn't wearing any bottoms. "No, no, no," she silently pleaded when she searched for her phone. "Where is it?" She was feeling around under the covers and found it under the spare pillow. "Oh God," her face turned bright red when she looked over the series of texts from last night and memories of sexting her Professor came rushing back. "I was so fucking desperate sounding," Hermione shook her head, "I can't believe I told her I was finger fucking myself." That was not how the evening was supposed to go for Hermione. She put her phone down and sighed, "how the hell am I ever going to face her again? She's never going to let this go." She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom where she grabbed two aspirin and filled up a cup with tap water. She took her pillows and continued to chastise herself in the mirror, "this is why we don't drink, Hermione." Her reflection stared back at her, "but do you regret it?" She asked the version of her staring back at her from the other side of the mirror. She sighed, "fuck. I don't know anymore." From what she can remember, it was a very enjoyable night so regret didn't seem to cross her mind more than once.

She quickly checked the apartment and found that she was alone, suspecting that Ginny found someone to hook up with last night. She sat on the couch and let herself sink into the comfortable fabric. Hermione just wished she could confide in someone about this. It would be so much easier to talk about things with a friend. Everyone in her circle was too close or closely related to Bella. "Wait a minute," Hermione smiled to herself, "I can talk with Luna about everything." She sent a quick text to her blonde friend to see if she'd be working at the library later and when she said yes, Hermione told her that she needed to tell her something. Luna was friends with everyone but she was the least judgemental person Hermione had ever met. Sure she was a bit eccentric and a little out there but she would keep Hermione's secrets, she was sure of that. Luna was an amazing confidante and she gave surprisingly sound and rational advice. "Fuck," she grabbed her head and wished for her pain killers to kick in. "Here I go. I'm going to get up now," she willed herself off of the couch and made quick work of getting dressed for her shift at the library.

Hermione made it to the library on time and Andy was already there making fun of her for being hung over. "Never could handle your liquor could you, Granger?" She smirked at her after the brunette entered the library wearing dark sunglasses.

"Oh stop," she blushed, "I only had two glasses of wine. I'm not sure what happened." She rolled her eyes but nobody saw because she still did not remove her glasses.

"So," Andy looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "you are just going to wear those your whole shift?" She nodded towards her sunglasses.

"Ugh, not if these aspirin kick in." She slumped down into her chair.

"I'm going to go get you something greasy from the cafe. You and Lovegood hold the library down until I get back. Luna, are you hungry?" She called across to the reference desk and the blonde nodded enthusiastically. "Okay, I'll be back."

Luna watched as the middle Black sister left the library with her bank card before moving her way over to the main desk. "So, you said you wished to speak with me?"

Hermione nodded, "have a seat. This is a sitting type of conversation." Luna took a seat, facing the brunette with a look of intent. "Okay," Hermione started, "I'm not going to look at you while I talk. So I had a one night stand."

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