Chapter Five: The Squire

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Patton wasn't that good at his job. In fact, he was one of the worst. But that only made him try harder to prove himself. Up at dawn every day, he spent hours training before he even gets to continue his training with the knights. It's always been his dream to be a knight, even if the idea of battle scares him. Being a knight is one of the most honorable things someone can become and Patton wants to be more than just a painter's son.

The youngest of five, Patton's watched all four of his older brothers become knights and he aspires to be brave and honorable just like them. His father was a knight as well, it's like his family's right of passage and he doesn't want to let anyone down. He hurries towards the knights' barracks, a large stone building just outside the gates of the castle, carrying his training sword close to his chest with both hands as he's already late. He hadn't meant to sleep in and now he's sure everyone's going to laugh at him.

He's only been a squire for a year, but he's seen how some of the older boys look at him. They think he's a joke, most of the knights do as well, it's not hard to hear gossip when it's about you. Why Lady Valerie hasn't dropped him yet, he has no clue but he's ever grateful that he still has a chance. I'm never going to make it! Patton groans as his foggy glasses bump against his nose with every rushed step he takes, sweat sticking his bangs to his face. If he's too late, the knights won't let him in.

He takes a deep breath and uses his momentum to launch himself off the ground where the wind catches him and he uses it to propel himself for a few quick seconds closer to the barracks. Once his feet touch ground he breaks back into his run, breathing heavily. He doesn't use his magic often mostly because it can't really do too much. Air-stepping as his mother calls it is useless in comparison to the magic his brothers have access to. As generational mages, his family have access to different kinds of magic despite only being human themselves.

Though with every child born, only a single magic element is passed on to them, and Patton's gift, he feels is as useless as he is. Barely being able to glide for seconds at a time is nothing in comparison to the magic his brothers have, controlling fire, water, or even the ground itself. His eldest brother can bend any fire he can see to his will, the middle brother can use any source of water, even the rain, and the twins both can move the earth, rocks and sand. And what can baby brother Patton do? Float, maybe fly on a really windy day.

He finally skids to a halt in front of the gates of the barracks, a knight on duty looks at him and smiles, "Ah, Patton. I was wondering when you were gonna show up."

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Patton bows, trying to regain his breath, "Is it too late to go in?!"

The knight pats him on the head, "You still got plenty of time. I'm sure Valerie has plenty for you to do. Go on in."

Patton bows again, "Thanks Gregor!"

He scurries inside quickly, looking around for Valerie. He finds her not too far off, giving orders to a few of the older boys who are sparring together. Patton hurries over, bowing to her, "I'm here, Lady Valerie! I'm sorry I'm late!"

Valerie turns to him and smiles, "I was wondering where you were."

"Sorry, M'lady." Patton lowers his head to avoid eye contact. Valerie was the daughter of the captain of the king's army, and she ran the squires' training sessions along with mentoring Patton himself as her personal squire. She is quite the important person, so Patton counts himself lucky to be in her presence as he is.

"No worries, kiddo," she waves her hand dismissively, "Find some armor to put on while I finish up here and then we can start today's lesson."

Patton nods, smiling brightly at her, "Thank you for your patience, Lady Valerie!"

He hurries off to the squires armory, hoping he can catch his breath before his lesson with Valerie. The last thing he wants is to appear weaker than he already is. He gasps as he's tripped by an older boy, who sneers at him, "Where ya going, Patton?"

Patton falls to his hands and knees, thankfully keeping his sword to his chest so it doesn't get any more damaged than it already is from years of wear. He looks back at the boy who tripped him and it's a boy he recognizes as one of the knights' son. The top of Valerie's class. Patton sighs and pushes himself up, "I'm busy, Augustine.. Lady Valerie's starting my lesson soon.."

"She should be my knights master, I'm much better at everything than you are." Augustine replies flatly, "Why don't you just quit? You're never going to make it to knight anyway so why don't you just save everyone the trouble?"

"I can become a knight just like the rest of you," Patton says softly, frowning.

Augustine scoffs, "Yeah, right. You can't even get here on time."

"I'm not always late.." Patton's voice softens as he looks away, his glasses slipping further down his nose.

"Just give up, no one wants you here anyway." Augustine says.

Patton winces but doesn't say anything. He doesn't make a move to leave, either which apparently was the wrong choice as Augustine slaps the sword from Patton's hands before gripping his shirt, "Leave, freak."

Patton gasps as his sword fall, wincing as it clatters to the stone floor. He shivers and glances up at Augustine timidly, "I-I don't..want to.."

"And he doesn't have to."

Patton gasps, his eyes widening lightly when he sees Valerie approaching them and she doesn't look happy. Augustine quickly releases Patton, bowing to her, "M'lady."

"You're dismissed for the day." Valerie states.

Augustine gasps, looking back at her in disbelief, "Wh-what?"

"Go home." Valerie says, her dark eyes narrowed, "Bullying ones own allies isn't very knightly of you. You are aware that I decide who does and doesn't make it to the knight's ceremony, aren't you?"

Augustine bows his head but says nothing. Valerie crosses her arms, "I will be speaking to your father about this. Now go home, Augustine."

He frowns and walks away. Patton stares in awe, he never thought Lady Valerie would stick up for him like that. Valerie leans down and picks up Patton's sword, checking it over. She looks at him and smiles softly, "Here, it wasn't damaged."

He takes it carefully from her, "Th-thank you, M'lady."

"No need to thank me, Patton. Now come, let's get you suited up, yeah?" She starts walking and Patton hurries after her, a soft smile returning to his lips. He really is lucky to have Lady Valerie as his knights master.

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