Chapter Eleven: A Prince's Search

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"Logan, I need your help. My brother is missing and Father thinks he just ran away, but I don't. I don't have any proof one way or another, but can you help me?"

The prince's cry didn't land on deaf ears. Logan frowns, reaching up to adjust his glasses as his eyes narrow slightly in concentration, "Naturally, I think you should leave this to the professionals, Young Highness."

Roman seems to deflate at those words and Logan puts a hand up towards him, "That's not to say I am dismissing your concerns in the slightest."

Roman nods, a hopeful look in his eyes, "So.. You'll help me?"

"I will.. Attempt to." Logan says slowly, "Let me dress and I will accompany you to the scene of his disappearance."

Roman nods and steps back. Logan shuts the door and Roman crosses his arms loosely, a little embarrassed that he's still wandering around in his bed clothes. And his mother expected to see him at breakfast, he still has a day of tutoring ahead of him as well. Finding my brother is way more important. He nods to himself, strengthening his resolve. If anyone could find a clue, it was Logan. That much was certain, to Roman there wasn't a single fact that Logan didn't know.

The door opens a moment later to reveal Logan, his hair neatly combed and he's dressed in his usual attire of a long sleeved black tunic under an embroidered vest, pants and boots and a deep blue scarf tied around his neck with the kingdom's sigil resting at the bottom. It was a mark of Logan's status in the hierarchy. Logan steps out of the room, closing the door behind him, "Lead the way, Prince Roman."

The prince nods and swiftly leads the way back to his brother's room. Logan follows silently and when they get there, he looks around, inspecting everything. Roman stands by the door, watching his friend's moves intently. He desperately hopes Logan can come up with something useful. After a few minutes, Logan walks back over to Roman, seemingly lost in thought. Roman looks at him questioningly, "Logan?"

The call of his name seems to pull Logan from his thoughts as his gaze shifts to the prince's face, "Yes?"

"Did you find anything?" Roman asks wearily.

That thoughtful, far away look returns to the mage's eyes and he crosses his arms, "Yes, actually."

"Really?!" Roman gasps, "What did you find?!"

"Residue of magic," Logan replies in a lower tone of voice.

Roman stares at him in confusion, "Magic residue?"

Logan nods and moves past him, walking back down the hall back the way they had come. Roman quickly follows after him, completely lost, "Wait, what does that mean? Was my brother taken? What kind of magic is it?"

"I don't know, not yet." Logan states, which only leaves Roman even more confused.

"You don't know if he was taken or you don't know what kind of magic it is?" He asks.

"Both." Logan elaborates.

"Well, that's not very helpful." Roman frowns, causing Logan to scoff and shake his head lightly, "I have to analyze it in order to give you any form of a cohesive answer, Prince Roman."

"So go back and analyze it." Roman says.

"Is that an order, Young Highness?" Logan muses, "What do you think I'm doing? I'm going to get the needed supplies to do so."

"Oh!" Roman nods, clearing his throat of his embarrassment, "Sorry.."

Logan smiles softly, "Think nothing of it."

They walk briskly back to Logan's room in silence and once again, Roman waits outside for his friend to do whatever it is he's doing. A moment later, Logan emerges from the room once more and leads the way back to the Crown Prince's room. Roman follows him into the room, watching Logan with curiosity. Logan sprinkles some dust all around the room as he walks from one corner to the other, finally dropping some dust in the very center of the room.

"What's this supposed to do?" Roman asks.

"Please shut the door." Logan replies, kneeling where he stands, adjusting his glasses as he peers at the small pile of dust he had discarded. Roman does as he's asked and waits for Logan to explain what he's doing. Logan doesn't explain however, instead he silently raises his hand over the dust and little snowflakes sprinkle over the pile, instantly igniting it a bright green color. In an instant, all the other piles Logan had made all glow the same fluorescent green color.

Roman looks around at them all in confused awe and Logan stands, looking around as well. Roman looks back at Logan, "Is it supposed to light up like that? What's the dust for?"

Before Logan can answer, the door to the room opens and it's one of the many servants that Roman has yet to learn the name of. The young servant bows before Roman, "Forgive me for interrupting, Young Highness, but Her Majesty wishes for you to accompany her in the dining hall for breakfast."

Roman frowns, cursing under his breath. He thanks the servant and looks at Logan, "We'll talk later, okay?"

"Naturally." Logan nods, starting to clean up the dust as the glowing color fades.

Roman nods back and leaves the room, quickly rushing back to his own to get dressed, knowing his mother will have a fit if he shows up still unpresentable. When he gets to the dining hall, he's surprised to see his father sitting at the table as well. He frowns lightly and takes his seat. His gaze can't help but fall on his brother's empty seat. He sighs and starts eating. Breakfast is mostly silent, and he halfheartedly responds to any topics Queen Arianna tries to speak with him about.

Eventually she stops trying to talk, too and once Roman is done, he quickly excuses himself from the table and makes his leave. He finds Logan in his room and Roman knocks before stepping inside, "Logan, I'm not interrupting anything am I?"

"You are, but it's fine." Logan turns to him, "You are here about our search earlier I presume?"

Roman nods, a serious look to his eyes, "I am. Have you learned anything?"

Logan smiles slowly, "That I have. In fact, I believe you'll be quite pleased by my discovery."

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