Chapter Eight: Brotherly Bonding

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Roman leans against the gate around the courtyard, arms crossed as he stares up at the bright blue sky. He sighs, loneliness washing over him. Everyone seemed to be too busy today, everyone except him. Logan's working with James today, Roman hasn't seen Thomas more than a second at a time in passing as he followed their father around, even Lady Valerie is too busy to hold a lesson today. Maybe Patton's as bored as I am. Roman muses, closing his eyes as the wind rustles his hair gently.

Seemingly out of nowhere Thomas leans against the gate beside his baby brother. He looks up at the sky, too and smiles softly, "Pretty day, huh, Ro?"

Roman's eyes snap open and he looks at his brother with slightly widened eyes, "Thomas!"

Thomas smiles at him, "Sorry I've been so busy lately. Don't think I've forgotten I still owe you a round two."

Roman smiles back at him, hiding the loneliness he always feels creeping up on him, "I get it, you're Crown Prince, you got lots of responsibility that I don't. You get busy sometimes, it's all good."

He chuckles, "Besides, I always find other people to bug in your absence."

Thomas keeps smiling but his eyes shine with a knowing gaze, "I know. No one can keep you down, huh? I wish I had that spirit of yours."

Roman grins, he lived for his brother's affirmations of his boisterous personality. Thomas always knew how to make him feel better, no matter what. Roman chuckles and playfully nudges Thomas' shoulder with his, "Yeah, well I wish I had your patience."

Thomas laughs softly and puts an arm around his brother, "Let me tell 'ya a trick, Roro."

Roman raises an eyebrow and Thomas grins back at him, "My patience is all a big lie. I just spend my time daydreaming."

Roman laughs and Thomas joins in, sweet genuine laughter. These are the times Roman was starting to miss. His brother always knew how to cheer him up. Even with a four year difference, they were really close. Thomas steps back and picks up Roman's long discarded training sword. He looks it over before holding it out to his brother, smiling fondly, "Ready for round two then?"

Roman grins, taking the sword from him, "Ready to lose?"


Roman lost the match, but he didn't mind it much. Spending time with Thomas is the most important part of sparring with his brother. He was getting better, Thomas told him so, and Roman ate the compliments up. It never hurts to hear how well you're doing at a skill you've been working on. A little praise goes a long way. He follows Thomas to the castle barracks where the training swords are stored to return their swords.

"Do you think we can try round three tomorrow?" Roman asks happily.

Thomas smiles at him, "I can't promise anything, sadly. But, I'll try. Okay?"

Roman nods, smiling softly, "Okay."

Thomas messes with Roman's hair, "I gotta go, I'll see you around, okay?"

Roman chuckles, fixing his hair, "Yeah, go do important Crown Prince things. I'll find something to fill my time."

Thomas gives him one last smile before he puts their training swords away and hurries from the room. Roman leaves the room a moment after, and he wanders the halls for a bit. All of his specific tutoring classes were during the mornings so he usually had evenings to himself. He turns and heads towards the Advisor's quarters, wanting to see if Logan's free for the evening yet. He walks up to the door, it's closed and he can hear quiet voices inside. He leans against the door, wanting to hear the words clearly.

Most of it seems to be about his father and what James' job is. Roman leans back, sighing softly to himself. Guess Logan won't be free today. Feeling disheartened, he turns and heads back the way he came. His footsteps echo softly against the palace's marble floors, the soft orange glow of the evening shining into the darkening halls. Ordinarily the sunsets were beautiful to him, but he doesn't feel like adoring it tonight. He's startled slightly as he hears a voice from behind him, "Something the matter, my dear?"

He relaxes when he recognizes the voice as his mother's. He turns and smiles at her as she walks up to him. She smiles pleasantly, her long hair falling around her face in graceful ringlets.

"Evening, mother," Roman greets her, "Aren't you normally in the arts room at this hour?"

"I'm..lacking inspiration." The queen giggles softly, "Are you feeling much the same, Roman?"

Roman sighs softly, "You could say that."

Arianna's smile softens, "Pray tell, what is it that is bothering you, my son?"

"It's nothing really, Mother." Roman chuckles, "I'm just..bored."

She nods, "I see. Would you like to accompany me to the arts room then? Perhaps we can cure our lack of inspiration and boredom together?"

"Sure, Mother." Roman nods, smiling pleasantly. He enjoyed spending time with his mother just as much as his brother. Sadly, he has less of an affectionate relationship with his father. But that's just politics, he assumes.


As Roman is lounging in his room for the evening, prepared for bed but not yet tired enough to sleep, there's a knock at his door. He gets up and opens the door, pleasantly surprised to see his brother standing there. Thomas grins, holding the training swords out from behind him, "Up for round three, Ro?"

Roman chuckles, "I thought that wasn't allowed so late?"

"It's not," Thomas affirms, then smirks, "So we won't tell anyone, okay?"

Roman laughs, "Alright. You're on, and for sure I'm taking you down this time."

"I look forward to it." Thomas replies, handing Roman his sword.

Roman takes the sword and follows Thomas out to the courtyard. They giggle quietly to themselves as they run through the halls in bare feet. They make it outside and Thomas looks around in triumph as he doesn't see any guards for the moment. He gets into his fighting stance and Roman mirrors it. They spare for a good while before their laughter and rambunctious actions get them found out by the guards.

The swords are taken back to the training room and the princes are escorted back to their rooms, each with a warning from the guards. Roman doesn't care though, it was the most fun he's had with Thomas in quite a while, and this time, he had won. Prince Roman went to sleep that night, feeling proud of himself and well earned of it.

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