Chapter Fifteen: Not So Quite Getting Along

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The next morning was no less tense between the two groups of three. Logan's icy stare wasn't just for show and it was starting to get on Roman's nerves. He gets that Logan wasn't a fan of Roman's plan to invite the Dragonwitches on their journey, but it wasn't his decision so he needs to get over it. So naturally instead of saying that to Logan, he mirrors his icy attitude and Patton is left dealing with it. And he isn't a fan of their attitude towards each other. Virgil, Janus, and Remus have mostly kept to themselves, whispering while they walked just low enough that the others couldn't really hear them despite not trailing that far behind.

This grated on Logan's nerves even more and everyone could tell. After a long while of walking in silence, Remus runs up to walk next to Roman, "Yo, Princey dude?"

"You, too?" Roman groans with a roll of his eyes before meeting his curious gaze, "Yes?"

"Anyway," Remus laugh lightly, "You actually got any idea where we're going or are you just pretending?"

"How dare you?" Logan glares at Remus, who just winks back at him before smiling at Roman again, "Well, Princey?"

"Logan, chill," Roman waves a hand dismissively at him, "It's fine."

"Chill?" Logan scoffs, "Are you making fun of me right now?"

Roman winces lightly, he didn't think about what he said before he said it, "Uh, sorry."

"Anyway," Roman clears his throat, "To answer your question, Remus, I do know where we're going."

"Oh, goodie!" Remus claps giddily, "Wanna spill the beans with the rest of us then?"

"Well.." Roman frowns lightly, he did generally know where they were going because Logan is using his magic to follow whoever had been in Thomas' room that night but it's not like he had an actual plan or a map to follow. He's just been following Logan's vague directions.

"It's.. Uh.." Roman stammers lightly, trying to find a way to explain. Thankfully Logan comes to his aid, "We're following a trail of magic left behind by whoever is the culprit of Crown Prince Thomas' disappearance."

"Huh," Remus tilts his head, "So you don't know where you're going."

"Y-yes, I do!" Roman huffs, crossing his arms, "He just said it."

"No he didn't," Virgil speaks up, "He said you're following magic. That's not knowing where we're going."

Roman frowns, facing forward so he doesn't have to look at any of them, quickening his steps to stay ahead of Remus.

"Oops," Remus giggles, "I think I hurt his feelings, guys."

Janus snickers lightly but doesn't say anything. Virgil just rolls his eyes in amusement. Roman's friends are far less amused. Logan's glaring at the Dragonwitches again and Patton frowns lightly, staring at the ground as he walks. Everyone walks in silence once more and even Virgil, Janus, and Remus can feel the tension in the air this time. Remus shrugs and slows his steps to join the back of the group once again. Virgil scoffs lightly, it wasn't their fault the humans didn't know where they were going. They should have expected us to ask eventually. Virgil crosses his arms and keeps his head down as they walk.

After an hour of silent walking they come to a stop. Virgil and his friends exchange glances before watching Logan. Roman and Patton are looking at Logan expectantly and it's got Virgil curious. Logan reaches into the satchel on his hip and tosses out some shimmering blue sand onto the ground. He closes his eyes and mutters some words in a language Virgil doesn't know. The blue sand suddenly sets ablaze, blue flames dancing off the shimmering sand and the wind blows the sand away from them but they don't seem worried about it. Logan opens his eyes, his normally dark eyes are now glowing a bright, vibrant blue and it's almost breathtaking to Virgil. The wind picks up around them and he exchanges worried glances with his friends again before returning his gaze to the others.

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