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13k READS??? Idk how y'all got through this the story is not cohesive at all this is pretty much just a bunch of one shots that are loosely connected.
Kita woke up to see you playing with his hair, smiling softly at him, something he hopes he'll be able to see every morning one day.

"Sleep well Kita?"

He nodded, enjoying the feelings of your fingers on his head.

"Todays my last day here..."

Kita's eyes drooped, and he went closer to you, wrapping his arms around your body.

You hugged him back,
"Don't worry, I'll visit. Plus I can always send you letters too! Would you like that?"

You felt him nod again, and as you tried to get up, you realized he had a death grip on you.

"Alright alright I get it,"

You went back into the bed and laid there with him for a while longer.

You sat up, bringing him up with you,
"How about we have a brunch picnic? It's sunny and not too hot out,"

He agreed with you and the two of you went to the kitchen to start preparing food.

"That seems like a lot of curry for just us,"
He asked questioningly, staring at the huge pot of curry.

"Don't worry about it, it's gonna make sense soon,"

You packed everything up, somehow managing to carry it in a picnic basket, while Kita carried the picnic blanket.

You found a nice place to settle down, and set everything up.

You finally sat down, choosing a place next to Kita, then you heard a familiar voice from behind you.

"So yer leaving today huh?"

Without looking back you smiled,
"Came to see me off Atsumu? Osamu isn't far behind I presume,"

He knelt behind you and put his arms around your shoulders,


You cackled like a witch,
"I could SENSE it was you,"

You cackled some more, and then it turned into loud coughing.

The gray haired twin approached,


Your coughs turned back into cackles, and then into giggles,

"I'm glad you made it Osamu, now both of you sit down, I'm guessing you haven't eaten lunch yet?"

They nodded and sat down obediently, and you pulled out your big container of curry as Kita took out some plates.

Everyone got a plate full of curry and rice, and a can of soda as well.

A lightbulb lit up in Kita's head,
"Ah so that's why you made so much,"

You finished swallowing your food before giving him a thumbs up,
"Yup! I had a feeling these two would show up, so I made more, JUST in case!"

The twins who had already scarfed down all of your food leaned towards you on their hands,


You reached under their chins and lightly scratched them, which they were not prepared for. With light blushed dusting their cheeks they stopped arguing.

You were living your best life, it was both funny and adorable how they were acting at your scratches, and you made a note to test this out when you got back to Miyagi.

A jealous Kita moved over onto your lap, giving glares to the twins, who weren't backing down.

After a few more moments of awkwardness you laid your back onto the picnic blanket.

"The sun is so nice today! I could totally take a nap..."

And then you fell asleep, much to the dismay of the three volleyball players.

They all crowded around your face, taking in your ABSOLUTE BEAUTY. Then you suddenly opened your eyes, making them all jump back a little.

"Well I think that was a successful picnic, I even got to nap! Let's go do something else now!"

You quickly packed everything up, and went off in every which way, the three others following you like little foxes.

The four of you had a great time, but time is always passing, and the sun began to set, signaling the end of your vacation.

After going back to Kita's to get some things and saying goodbye to his grandmother, the trio walked you to the train station.

The three of them seemed disheartened to see you leave so soon, but they knew that you had to go home.

"Don't be so glum you guys, we'll see eachother again, I promise!"

You pulled the three into a group hug, and they wanted to be held in your arms forever.

"TRAIN [whatever your train is called idk] HAS ARRIVED"

"I guess that's my cue, thank you all for everything."

You gave each of them a kiss on the forehead, and got on the train, waving goodbye to them.

They waved to you with their faces combusted with red, wishing your kiss was a bit lower.

As you sat down, you let out a big sigh,
"I'm gonna miss them..."

NAURRR YOU HAVE TO GO HOME. But now u can get back to Karasuno or Seijoh idk I'll let y'all choose

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