Kozume Kenma ending

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Y'all be careful now
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, and took it out to see who texted you. It was one of your friends who was visiting their relatives in Tokyo, and they sent you a picture.



Isn't this one of your friends?

You examined to picture closely, recognizing a familiar pudding haired boy, who was staring intently at a game on a shelf. This gave you an idea for a gift, and you went over to the mall to buy it for him.

'He'll never expect this!'

You bought the game, which was luckily on sale, and brought it home, putting it in a pretty box. You packed up a few supplies, and took a train to Tokyo, just to surprise him. Yes, it was a bold and brash move, but you were in a mood, and nothing could stop you now.

You walked along the streets of Tokyo, finding a house that you hoped was Kenma's. You rang the doorbell, and as your luck would have it, the gamerboy was there to answer it.

"(F/n)? What're you doing here?"

You held the box out to him with a grin,
"I got you a present!"

He smiled as you handed the box to him,
"Oh you shouldn't have,"

He opened the box and you could see his face go through multiple emotions all at the same time.

"Is everything alright Kenma?"

He looked at you, almost like he was surprised you were still there.

"Wait here a sec,"

He walked back into his house, and soon came back to you, holding the same game you got him, which was still in it's original packaging. You stared at it for a few moments, confused.

"I also bought you this game... I thought you'd like it, so..."

He handed the game to you, and picked up the one you gave him. The two of you stared at each other, both holding the same game.

You read the back of the package, and a grin appeared on your face, confusing the pudding haired boy.

"What is it?"

You showed him the back of the package,
"It's multiplayer! We can play together, from anywhere!"

His eyes shone brightly as he read what you had said to him on the package, and you stashed the game away in your bag. You gave him a hug, and whispered in his ear.

"I need to go home, but we should play tomorrow!"

You pulled away and started to walk back to the train station, but you stopped as you heard a voice.

"(F/n), wait! I need to tell you something!"

You turned around, and walked back to the source of the voice, standing in front of him. Suddenly all of his resolve had disappeared, and his face went pink as he re-thought his choices.

"What'd you want to tell me?"

"I... you should stay over. We can play together, please?"

You couldn't bring yourself to refuse him, so you made yourself comfortable in his home, sitting down on the floor of his room, your back to the bed.

"So Kenma, what'd you wanna play?"

He shuffled around before sitting down next to you,
"Do you want to play Minecraft?"

You were a little surprised that this was his choice of game, but you went with it anyways, pulling out a laptop so you could play with him.

Everything was going good, you built a small house, and even got lucky with a village nearby, which was overtop a mineshaft. You saw Kenma stand up,
"I'm going to get something from the kitchen,"

You hummed in response and kept playing. After a minute or so, you saw a message in chat.

"Come here"

You started to stand up, but then you saw another message,

"In the game"

You sat back down and located Kenma, who was standing next to a sign. He watched as your character looked at the sign, and stood still. He was waiting for you to say something, but you didn't reply. After a moment, you disconnected, and he felt like everything had been a mistake.

He frowned, his eyes drooping, but all that changed when he saw you standing in front of him, a large smile plastered on your face.

"I like you too, Kenma!"

His eyes widened, and he was engulfed in your arms.

"You should've just told me!"

He hugged you back,
"I didn't know how..."

You gave him a quick kiss,
"Well I'm glad you found a way, lord knows I wouldn't have the courage to tell you,"

You both went back to playing, but this time Kenma decided that your lap was the perfect place to sit, which you didn't mind, in fact you were internally combusting.

You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, making him softly giggle at how it tickled.

"S-stop it (f/n), I can't focus,"

No response.


He soon got his response in the form of snores, and sighed as now he was pretty much trapped. Luckily, he was able to find a way out of your hold, and used all of his power to get you onto the bed, curling up next to you.

Unconsciously, your arms wrapped around him, which he found comforting.

"Good night (f/n),"




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