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"(L/n) senpai! Could I ask you something?"

You turned around to see a girl, probably a first year, looking around nervously.

"Uhhh what do you need?"

She focused her sights back on you,
"The art club needs a model! And we thought that you..."

You didn't need to hear the rest. Being the subject of paintings seemed like the ego boost you needed.

"Sure! It's not anything risqué though, is it?"

She waved her hands frantically,
"No no no of course not!"

She led the way to the art club's room, and you followed after her, forgetting that it might be a good idea to inform a certain snoopy volleyball team.

//Suga POV  I haven't POV switched in a while//

I looked around the gym, but couldn't seem to find (f/n), so I went to look for Hinata, since he seems to spend a lot of time with him.

"Hinata? Do you happen to know where (f/n) is?"

His eyes widened a little bit,
"(F/n) senpai isn't here?"

I shook my head.

"We have to go search for him then!"

Before he could take any steps towards the door, I stopped him.

"I'LL find him, you still need to practice. Don't worry, your reliable senpai will bring him back in one piece!"

I could feel him watch me as I exited the gym, but thought nothing of it.

Walking through the hallways, I had no luck. Where could he be? He wasn't in the student council rooms, and I checked the bathrooms too!

"(f/n)? Where are you?"

From behind a door I could hear a voice,

"Did someone say my name?"

I heard some muffled 'nopes' and put my ear to the door.

So he's been in the art room the whole time!

"Wow (f/n) senpai, you're a natural model!"

"Really? This is my first time!"

I could practically sense his smile through the door.

"So this is where (f/n) senpais been?"

I jumped a bit, and looked to see Hinata there, with his ear also against the door.


I heard footsteps come close to the door, and I snatched the shorty and hid us behind a corner, covering his mouth with my hand.

I waited until I heard the door close before taking my hand off his mouth.

"What was that for Suga senpai?!"

"You were being too loud, they would've found us!"

He looked to me with confusion,
"So? (f/n) senpai is in there!"

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