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I saw a daichi post on twitter i am frothing at the mouth


"What do you mean?"

You rubbed your forehead,
"It took all of my willpower to bike us here, and I don't think I can bike us back!"

Hinata raised a fist,
"I can bike us there!"

You stared at him before patting his head,
"I'm sure you can, but I do NOT want to put you through that..."

He titled his head at you before laying it in your lap,
"What are you gonna do then?"

You pulled and stretched his cheeks,
"I'm not sure... I'll figure something out though!"

It was still pretty early in the morning, the birds were chirping, and you even heard a frog croak.

"Are you sure you want me to go without you senpai?"

You waved him goodbye,
"I'm sure Shoyo, I'll find a way there, don't worry!"

He hesitantly biked off, and now it was time for you to find a way home...

'I wonder if (f/n) senpai is gonna make it to school on time...'

But when he made it to the school, you were already there.


You gave him a pat on the back and walked with him into the school,
"I became friends with an old lady and she drove me here on her motorcycle! It was super cool!"

He slumped and whined,
"Awwwww I want to go on a motorcycle too!"

You laughed,
"Ha! One day you will, I'm sure of it!"

With a mutual wave, the two of you went your separate ways.

"Hey Daichi, could I see your hand for a second?"

You sat down next to him on his side, and he held his hand out to you,
"Sure, why?"

You intertwined your fingers with his, holding his hand firmly, but gently. His face turned a soft tint of pink.

"Hehe I'm really good at this,"

He couldn't help but question,
"Good at what exactly?"

You scooted closer to him,
"I can tell if someone has holdable hands!"

He gave you a curious look,

"It's like, I saw your hand and thought, 'hmmm I bet it'd be nice to hold his hand,' and I was right!"

He chuckled,
"What else can you tell?"

You looked him up and down before leaning your body on his side,
"Well, I feel like I could totally nap on top of you..."

Your eyes started to droop,
"You know... maybe I will..."

He could hear faint snoring coming from you, making his cheeks turn a strong shade of red.

From somewhere else, Suga stared in jealousy, he couldn't tell if he was jealous of you or Daichi. (I am a Daisuga enjoyer SUE ME).

After a minute or so, he gently nudged you awake,
"Uhh... wake up!"

You groaned as you were ripped away from your very short nap, and looked around wherever you were for a few moments.


You you spotted a wild Suga.

"Koushi, would you come here for a sec?"

He was startled that you called for him, but got over it quickly, walking to you. Wordlessly, you took his hand and put it in Daichi's closing it around it.

Both of them went a bit pink at the action, which made you have a celebration in your head. You stood up and left, none of them noticing in the heat of the moment.

"I really hope they end up together!"

You walked along the street, with your phone to your ear.

"From what I've heard you say, they seem like they'd be going places. Speaking of going places, where are you?"

"Oh I'm..."

you looked around to an unfamiliar landscape.

"...lost. I'll call you back Kaede. If I go missing, make sure to destroy my phone and computer!"

You put your phone away, not hearing her sigh before hanging up. Just where were you? You knew you weren't too far from home, but you couldn't put your finger on where you were.

That's when you saw someone you knew from a distance. You ran over to them, hugging him from behind.


He stumbled as you came crashing into him,
"Woah there!"

You moved your arms around him and circled in front of him,
"I got totally lost! I'm so glad I found you!"

Something about those words made his heart give him a weird feeling, one that wasn't unpleasant.

"Well it seems you've been wandering for some time now, how about you stay over at my place?"

You thought to yourself,
'Two nights in a row?'

You gave it some more thought,
'Eh, why not.'

You walked with Daichi to his house, and he let you inside.


You could hear someone from a different room,

He led you to his room, and left to the bathroom so you could both change in privacy.

You ate dinner with him and his mom, who you got along with pretty easily, and you even got to see his baby pictures!

You went to bed, laying down next to him in his bed. The past few hours went by pretty fast, (meaning I'm too tired to write what happened).

With a groggy voice, you spoke.

"You know... *yawn* you should really take a break sometime,"

You heard him turn his head to you in the darkness,
"Why's that?"

You grabbed his very holdable hand,
"You're the captain, so you've always been looking after everyone else... but you're still a kid too! I don't want you overworking yourself so soon,"

He chuckled,
"You're talking like an old man, and I don't really think I've been overworking myself,"

You laughed sleepily,
"That might be true... but still, take it easy, okay? Good night Daichi..."

He looked up at the ceiling,
"Goodnight (f/n)"



Also this chapter had no reason to be made but idk I was in a mood

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