The Good News?

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(so in advance this is the last bit of the chapter of the chapter in chase please come home as this is exactly what happened also I guess this according to a website what an 8 week old fetus looks like)

*8 weeks later*

Chase's POV

Henrik runs to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet throwing up. He's done this every day for the past two weeks. I know he's not pregnant, or is he? I better run and get him a pregnancy test I run to the corner store and grab a pregnancy test. "Hey Chase sweetie," I smile, "Hello Ms. Becky how're you?" "I'm good how're you?" I rub the back of my neck, "well I'm good but I need this." I put the test on the counter, "Ooh are you and your friend trying?" I laugh nervously, "No ma'am a friend of mine they need me to buy it, so their parents don't find out." She gave me a look like she knew I was lying. "Ok sweetie that'll be 7.99 please." I hand her 8 dollars, "I don't understand why they just don't make them 8 bucks flat?" "Oh, honey believe me, Billy and I have been trying to figure that out." I smile, "It was nice seeing you ma'am I better hurry tell Bill I said hi." "I will sweetie bye now," I grab the test and run to my house and run to my room. "Babe I've got this I know you're most likely not pregnant but just in case." He grabs the test and heads to the bathroom. I sit on my bed thinking about everything. 'Am I really ready for a little dude?' 'What if we have a little girl am I gonna be able to be the best dad for her?' 'What if I can't even be a good dad?' I guess it'd been a while when Henrik comes out to me. "Chase?" I instantly stand up, "what's it say?" He hands over the test, I look at it, 'positive'. "We're gonna have a little dude?" He smiles and tears up, "Ja ve're gonna have a little baby running around." I smile and pick him up. "Well maybe we should at least make an appointment to see for real though because I know sometimes those give false positives and to see our little dude." Henrik nodded and called the OB/GYN. Luckily, they got him in today and we're heading there now. "Chase?" "Hmm?" "Vhat if it vas a false positive?" "Then if you want, we'll try again when you're ready babe." He nods and holds my hand. "But if it's not then we better get a house before your mother murders me for getting you pregnant." I laughed, "zhat und ve can't live vith your fazher because all he does is have sex vith different vomen even zhough he's married but mein mozher murdering von't happen she loves you like her own son." "True," we pull into the parking lot, "Ready?" "I zhink so," we head in, and they instantly call Henrik back "Hello Henrik," "Hallo." "We're gonna check everything and we're gonna make sure if you are pregnant then we can make sure you and baby are both healthy throughout these 9 months." Henrik nodded terrified of the birth. "Is zhe birth painful?" "To be honest sweetie it's different pain for everyone some don't even realize they're having a baby and others feel it the entire time." Henrik nodded, "alright sweetie can you lay down please?" Henrik laid down as I sat next to him. The doctor came in checked everything, asked the usual questions and ordered an ultrasound. They soon escorted Henrik and I to the ultrasound room. "Ok sweetie this will be cold, ok?" Henrik nodded and let her put the jelly on his stomach and they did the ultrasound. "Congratulations, you're pregnant, now the baby is going to be the size of a blueberry." I checked again, "I'm sorry I wanna make sure you said he's pregnant right?" They showed me the little white splotch on the screen. "Yep, Henrik is pregnant." I fell to my knees and sobbed, "I'm gonna be a daddy?" I couldn't believe it I was gonna be a daddy. "Yes, Liebling you're going to be a daddy." They wiped Henrik's stomach off and he sat up, he put my head in his lap. "You've joined zhe daddy team Liebling." I nodded and smiled. "Hi little dude I'm your daddy," We soon headed home, as soon as we got home, we started planning for an apartment. 

(So next chapter will be a very good surprise I hope y'all have a good day/night sorry it was rushed)

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