I'm Sorry Baby... (ENGLISH VER.)

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Henrik's POV

I was waiting for a phone call or something from Chase he's never been this late for our calls something is wrong. I shake my head of the thoughts, 'he'd never cheat on me he loves me too much' I noticed it was 10:30 and I still haven't done my homework. "Scheisse!" I did my homework and decided to shut my phone off, "I'm sure he's just busy." I finally finished my homework as soon as my mom comes in, "Hello, my boy, has Chase called today or somezhing?" I sighed, "No not at all, I haven't heard anyzhing since 8:30 yesterday morning." she sat next to me, "Oh baby, I'm so sorry," I nodded, "I'm sure he's just busy, I mean, he is on vacation." She nodded, "Ja, now, time for bed, it is a school night, my boy." I nodded and laid down, "Night mom I love you," she smiled and shut the door, "Night my boy I love you too." I put my phone on my charger and soon fell asleep, maybe I'll hear something tomorrow.

*Time skip to 2 A.M.*

Henrik's POV

'Ding' I wake up and see there's a message from Chase, I smile and open it, but what I saw wasn't meant for me. 'Meet me at the hotel in a half hour and I'll show you a better time than that preppy boyfriend of yours can' I threw my phone at the wall. "Damn it Chase!" I throw the picture of us together at the fair against the wall. "I hate you!" My mother came in, "Vhat's happening, my boy?" I showed her the now cracked Iphone, "The Bastard plans to cheat on me!" She read it and sighed, "Oh my boy," I cried in her arms, I thought he loved me, I thought he loved our baby. "I zhought, he loved me and our Baby!" My mother looked at me, "Vhat?!" I looked up, shit. "Chase and I, ve're expecting a little vone and I'm keeping zhem." She sighed, "My boy, I'm glad you vant to keep zhe baby, but, I have two questions?" I nodded, "vhat?" "Firstly, vhy didn't you tell me sooner, and secondly, how are you two going to go to school and take care of a baby you juniors zhis year?" I whimpered, "I vas afraid, you vould kick me out and I zhink me and zhe baby vill be fine, zhere is a day care center center at zhe school for parents at zhe school." She nodded, "I zhink I'll go back to bed, I don't vant to zhink about it anymore." She nodded, "Ok, my boy, Night, I love you," I laid down, "nacht, I love you." She left and I cried myself to sleep, I can't believe he would do that. The next morning I woke up and saw a message from Chase, probably for that bitch he's cheating on me with. I opened it, 'Hey baby sorry I haven't messaged you since Sunday, it's been hectic and we're packing to come home Thursday I can't wait to see you and hear our little one I love you I hope you have a great day' I rolled my eyes and ignored it. I headed off to school, thanks to Chase in first period I got my phone confiscated, "Zhanks a lot Chase," I finally finished school, got my phone and I headed home, "My boy! how vas school?" I gave her a slip that my phone kept going off. "Vhat?" "Chase," Was all I said before I went upstairs, I open my phone 12 missed calls from Chase and 17 messages. I ignored them and just read a book, he kept blowing up my phone. I finally message him and left him with 'Leave me the fuck alone' and went back to reading my book. He isn't taking no for an answer so I finally answer "Vhat!?" He smiled, "hi baby! How's the little one?" I sighed, "zhey're still zhere," He sighed in relief, "that's good sorry I've been busy with stuff here." I mumbled, "Ja, cheating on me," he must've heard me. "What?" "I said, ja, cheating on me!" He was shocked, "whoa, cheatin on you, where did you get that idea from?" I whimpered, "Chase Dylan Brody don't fucking play dumb! You sent me a message at 2 zhis morning zhat said 'meet me at zhe hotel in a half hour and I'll show you a better time zhan zhat preppy boyfriend of yours can' so ja I know damn vell you're cheating on me!" Chase sighed, "I'm sorry I really am it's just she-" I cut in, "vhat not pregnant vith your child, skinnier, vhat is it Chase?" He couldn't give me a straight answer, "Ja zhat's vhat I zhought Chase you can't even give me an answer on vhy you cheated on me you von't tell me vhere you are, zhis entire trip you've been secretive, if you vanna do zhat zhen ve're over." I hung up and cried, I don't want it to be over but if he's going to do what he's doing than we're done. He called me again, "Vhat I said-" "we're over I know but I cheated because I was scared of us having a baby. I was scared you would just up and leave because I didn't do something right the first time I'm really sorry baby, I hope you can forgive me." I sighed it doesn't excuse his actions but at least he told me the truth. "Chase zhis doesn't excuse vhat you did but, I'm villing to give you anozher chance because of zhe baby, but, if you screw zhis up you're gone for good understand?" He whimpered, "Yes baby," I smiled, "good because if not I'll chop off your balls if you ever do it to anyvone not just including me." He whimpered more, "got it baby I love you," "Ich liebe dich auch." I then hung up and went to bed.

(Yes I know this isn't an actual chapter but I figured since the last one was mostly german I'd translate it anyways, I hope y'all have a good day/night)

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