Coming Home

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Chase's POV

It was finally time to go home after a fucking long three months. I didn't care though I get to see Henrik and our baby, when we got closer to home I messaged Henrik that I was closer home. I grabbed my gift for him, I got him chocolate with some pie, he's been wanting some weird stuff but, he says it's the baby. I watched out the window waiting until we got home, I practically ran to Henrik. "Hen!" I noticed my dad standing there and I just smiled, "I missed my best friend!" He looked hurt but I couldn't risk my dad hurting my boyfriend and baby, "come on Hen I got something for you!" My dad cleared his throat, "you are to take in everything first then you can hang out with Henrik can talk to us." I saw his face pale as my fucking stepmother had the balls to ask if he's gained weight. He shook his head and just went to my room. I got everything in and ran to my room to see Henrik upset. "Baby boy don't listen to my step-mom she doesn't know what amazing little human is growing in there." He sat on my bed crying, "She's right zhough I'm fat!" I shook my head, "No! You're not I don't see a bit of fat, you wanna know what I see?" He nodded, "I see a beautiful baby boy; who is gonna have the most amazing little boy or girl." I bent down and kissed his belly, "I also see an amazing little dude growing perfectly and giving papa an amazing figure." Henrik cried and kissed my head, "I love you so much Liebling," I smiled and got up kissing him, "I fucking love you and our little chicken nugget!" Henrik giggled, "so our little vone is a chicken nugget now?" I nodded proudly, "and I'm a proud father of a chicken nugget." He smiled, "you're a dork sometimes Brody," I pulled him in, "and you're a genius Schneeplestein." He smiled, "hey babe what's the baby look like now?" He grabbed some ultrasound pictures and I smiled, "see zhey're perfect," I smiled, "just like his papa." I wrapped my arms around him, "Chase vhat vill happen?" I tilted my head, "how do you mean?" He turned around, "if your dad finds out," I scoffed, "nothing; he's not gonna be in this kids life." He nodded, "can ve uh go look at baby clothes?" I smiled, "hell yeah!" He put on one of my basketball shirts, "looking good hot stuff," I smacked his ass, "ow!" I whimpered, "I'm so sorry!" He took my face in his hands, "Liebling it's not your fault zhis little vone is making my body sore." I nodded, "when do we find out their gender?" Henrik smiled, "I vill find out vhile I surprise you at zhe gender reveal." I whimpered, "but..." he kissed me, "Liebling I just vant you to be surprised." I nodded, "you're right I'm sorry baby boy," he got up well what was supposed to be quickly. "I put somezhing in your room zhe day after you left I just have to find it." He started desperately looking until he found it, "I found it!" He held up a shirt that said achievement unlocked fatherhood est. 29/3/2008. "Baby boy I love it," he teared up, "it's hard to believe ve're going to have a little vone," I smiled, "definitely."

We're having a Baby? - Schneeplebro AuWhere stories live. Discover now