"Lmao, they named me after a salad."

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Pairing: Cheese Torrent (Thonk Cesar Torres) with Reader.

A/n: Read this. The Author died. Pft.

Warnings: mentions of dying, sussy amogus jokes, really bad shit. I'm so sorry.

Type: Oneshot, crack

Noone p.o.v:

[Name] was an average person living in Mandela County, one of the most sussiest places to be in. What with the whole Alternates situation, the intruder(s) and all.

However, they were starting to get lonely. They didn't dare to go out and meet up with their friends.

However, they could talk to them on the phone.

One day while they were talking to [FriendName] on the phone, [FriendName] mentioned how they were talking to Cesar and.. he seemed weird. Now, [Name] was afraid something was happening with Cesar, so they decided to call him. Trying to see if anything happened.

The phone got picked up.

"yo wazzup [Name but slightly wrong] mAh homey"

W.. what?

"Listen, Imma need ya to cum over cuz my mum died. Snrk"
"W- why did you say that like it was a completely normal thing??- but, ok, I'll come over.. but wait, why did your mom die?-"
"Oh, I haev to sez. I have sir, curity cameras for literally no reason at all and you have to come turn them on"
"O- oh? That's weird. I'll- I'll go over to your house and turn on your security camera even though I'm scared of the alternates and this has no relevance whatsoever."
"Uhhhhhhhhh, I have to sey. I thonk she saw a scary ghost in the room"
"Oh, well that's weird she saw a scary ghost."
"Hahaha, I'm not sus."
"Hahahah, what the he-"

[Name] dies.

The end.

(A/n: 277 words.)

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