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A long forgotten tale of old, in a different parallel universe, where magic once existed, and where witches and sorcerer's live among normal individuals

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A long forgotten tale of old, in a different parallel universe, where magic once existed, and where witches and sorcerer's live among normal individuals.

Stay a little longer if you would like to hear about a beautiful tale of love and magic, of fantasy and perils, of two young men, who felt in love in a dangerous world, where magic had to be avoided.

It all happened long ago, in a magical universe in the kingdom of Koreanda, in a modern time. In a place where magic is no longer needed nor believed, in our actual world, in this modern times full of science, medical advances, discoveries, and new constant  technological development, in a world like this, there wasn't any longer the need for witches, magical remedies, sorcerer's crafts, apothecaries, natural plant-base remedies, potions, fortune tellers, weather or forecast divinations, and all natural energies sources-related professions, like magicians, healers, animal enchanters, or for those people who work using, as it was called, their  "magical gift"

Even among this new era, there are still  few people who still have the "gift'' to do some sort of witchcraft or sorcery of some kind. Magic, in ancient times was believed to be the ability to connect to the natural energies of this world, to be able to manipulate them and the physical compounds of which our world was shaped and made of, with the purpose to be of use for the living things. Some "gifted" ones were able to manipulate time and space, others were able to speak to animals and plants, many others could manage to create potions from the understanding of the ingredients and the objects energies, and many other people could do  things like curing wounds, healing sick animals, people and plants, or guessing the future and sightseeing into people's destiny and dreams.  

There were many objects to help the witch to channel their own magical energies into the real world, so they could help materialize their desires. The most common were wands, wooden sticks, peculiar glowing  gems, necklaces old and powerful, crystal and metal pendulums, crystal orbs, game  cards, old silver and golden rings, or even animals that were also touched with the gift and could help the witch or magician through out their magical journey.

In each family there was supposed to be a "familiar" or an animal who was destined to guide the family members and next  generations through life, as their spiritual guide. But with time the familiars were forgotten too, still few witches and sorcerers have found this special connection again with some animals and have been guided by their "familiars" in this normal technological society. 

But even if there were few magicians, it wasn't an easy life, most of them live and work in solitude, hidden, and masking their jobs, and activities as normal stuff.

Even among this special individuals gifted with the magical craft, they have had to  keep their secrets, now even being a "gifted one" is perceived wrong, people nowadays won't understand it, or even be jealous about it, some others even would be scared, or even more frequently they wouldn't even believe magic was real, so not even with their families this witches and sorcerer's can tell so freely about their secret talents.

Sometimes in one family, a magic gifted child would be born with the gift after ten or even more generations of an ancestor that had been gifted too. This special people would began to discover their talents at the age of 17 or 18, so the majority of times, they won't tell their parents, they would hide until they suppress it, or seek a different pad, and travel to find someone like them to teach them, to learn to used them and help people with them, some of this witches end up living lonely apart from society, hiding in their journey to seek knowledge about the almost forgotten magic.

So with time, some people had forgot all about magic, about the gifted ones, and  even about believing in the impossible. They began thinking of these people, like crazy, pagan, strange people, with no use in modern society, or simply hippie naturist weird people, that loves the forests, the animals, and the plants, hermitages, orb simply extravagant human  beings, wandering around life with out a purpose and filling with secret forces that they should better left alone.

Now think of it, think of this strange world, where you could have developed this "gift" what would you have done then? Embrace it? Suppress it?

And imagining a lonely pad, where you have to uncover the mysterious secrets surrounding the magic and other gifted hidden people, where would you go? What would you do then?

Now think deep about the next question,

What would you do, if walking around the woods, one night, during the  Walpurgisnacht, (The night of the witches) * lost in the darkness, following the moonlight, following a strange song and the fairy lights, you suddenly would have seen  a beautiful young pale boy, dancing almost naked to the beat of wooden and bone unknown invisible drums, all around an infernal bonfire, singing an old mysterious  chant, while his pale skin is bathed by the moon rays glowing with it's enchanted magical light, while he continues in a trance going in circles, around, while you stood there???

Would you be afraid then? Would his feral feline glowing eyes, and his inhuman savage smile would make you run away? Would his pale silver skin reflecting the moonlight will make your legs tremble, and shivers run through your spine?

What about the enchanted bonfire, burning as the fires of the infernal hell kingdom, producing weird shadows dancing along the grass and the pale young boys skin. Wouldn't you feel seduce by its heat, it's grace, and mysterious aura?

Wouldn't you feel as if your eyes were prying over something mystical, sacred, and even secret as a mystical pagan god of old times, that had just came from the deep of the forest or from the sea?  

Wouldn't his strange pagan music confuse your mind? And the hidden flute tune drive you insane? 

Well, my dear readers, lucky you, look at you now! No need to ask to yourself those questions, you are safe and far from those woods and that mystical magic being.

Wherever you are and whenever it may be that you came across this story, it was the right time for you, from the comfort of your home, Frome a fluffy couch or bed, you would know this strange love story, without the need to be in it.

Now that my magic had work on you in form of letters, you would follow him close, someone who in fact, did need to ask himself those questions, the one who had been staring into a magical being.

You would follow the story of a strange lost boy, who found a mystical, mysterious one in a dark enchanted night.

Can you guess what happened to them? 

Come with me then, let's discover their story together, let's learn about magic, and the power of love.

You just have to believe in magic, and let yourself immerse between the letters or this story........


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