Chapter 5: The handsome and clumsy new wizard in town! Nice to meet you!

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Chapter 5: The handsome and clumsy  new wizard in town! Nice to meet you! 

It was the next morning, the Walpurgisnacht  had ended, and Yoongi had done it successfully on his own, he felt tired and still dazed from the last night

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It was the next morning, the Walpurgisnacht  had ended, and Yoongi had done it successfully on his own, he felt tired and still dazed from the last night. He had drained a little of his own magical energies. 

When he had return in the early morning to the cottage, with the stranger gifted guy in his arms, he hadn't any idea what to do next, he couldn't believe he now had met someone as him, similar on age, living in his town, and extremely cute and handsome, he had never been popular, and before discovering his gift, obviously he had had some boyfriends but after the gift discovery, he had never felt involved never again with another human. He felt lonely, empty, and cold inside since then.

But now the strange wizard guy currently lying asleep on his couch,  had returned to him the sense of warmth and light to his life. 

After Yoongi had changed into more comfortable clothes,  cozy black pants and a flowered pattern t-shirt, his mind had calmed down, it was then when he remembered his cute guest, he had noticed the young wizard didn't look too good or comfortable. He was so dirty, scratched and bruised. 

He now noticed that the unconscious guy was pale, black circles down his eyes, all  covered in dirt, leaves, and twigs, and in every place that his skin was visible, thanks to his weird clothes, he was covered with big bruises, scratches and blood. But Yoongi already knew that, even below the strange clothes his guest was also covered in more bruises, as he had seen his naked torso, he remembered it just like a dream, a simple shadow. 

That boy was a big  bruise. Yoongi couldn't stop from snorting, the guy was looking really dumb and ridiculous, still cute, but dumb. He couldn't believe someone was so clumsy that they could manage to do that damage to themselves. 

He then remembered what his teacher had written in the notebook, and he went to read it again. He now understood why his teacher had advised him to prepare some unguent and bandaids, and why he was speaking of a "him" even being dead his teacher knew more than him. His teacher also had mentioned something about his banana bread but that would just have to wait for another time.

Yoongi went to his empty bottles and pots where he had prepared his potions and medicinal magical remedies that he always sold around town. He just barely found what he was needing. He would need to restore his supplies soon, but he was so lazy for that, and he was always confusing one plant with another, causing havoc in his potions. 

He took the last remaining unguent and the bandaids and patches he had laying around. After all, his guest was a "giant bruise"  himself, a poor cute bruise. He went near the boy and sat down on the couch beside him. 

After casting a cleansing spell over the sleeping guy's clothes, hair and body, he took his small waist bag, and examine its contents, it had some herbs and plants, a dead smartphone, a pocket watch, and that was all, he was now certain about the intelligence of that individual, it was logic that just a fool would go around the woods without water, food, a razor, or something to produce fire. 

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