Getting Close. || 2

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"Nice work on changing the subject, Purpled." Ranboo said coldly, "Ranboo's kind of right.." Deo said quietly. "Really? You think he's right?!" Purpled yelled staring at Deo.

Deo stared at the floor. He muttered something but it was too quiet for anyone to hear, "What?" Purpled asked. "YES I DO THINK HES RIGHT!" Deo screamed.

Everyone stared at them. Whispers filling the hallway, just then Fuzzy walked up to them. "Are you four done with your drama?" The brunette asked.

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes we are." Tubbo said fixing his sweater. "Great..Now, have you gotten Tommy to at least kiss you?" Fuz stared at Purpled.

He stayed quiet, "Well- Uhm..- Yes. But it was before the bet." He finally said. "Holy shit, you have a crush on him already?" Fuzzy grinned.

"That's funny. You like the nerd!" He laughed again, Ranboo walked away pissed off. "What's his problem?" Fuzzy's frog hat fell as he asked that.

He quickly picked up only to see a purple haired girl looking at him, he turned around. "Stop being a pervert, Egan!" He yelled once again. "Yeah, eGaN" Tubbo mocked.

"Shut up, Tubbo."

"Yeah. Shut up, Tubbo." Egan laughed, "You would look great under me, Fuzzy." Then she left. "I fucking hate that hoe." He said right after she left.

Purpled rolled his eyes, "Calm down. I'm sure she means no harm." The taller said. "One time she actually tried to have sex with me, obviously I declined. I like Nova, he's cute." Fuzzy replied.

"I don't care about your love life."

Fuzzy scoffed at the reply, "Whatever."

— Purpled's POV —
Tommy was talking to Ghosty. I had to find out how to get closer to him...

I then walked towards him, "Hey what's up Tommy. I feel bad about bullying you, friends?" He looked surprised. "Fuck off Purpled!" Egg yelled. "Egg stop it." Tommy walked closer to me.

He looked directly in my eyes and shrugged, "Sure." I can hear the others behind me laughing...Ugh.

— A week later —

Purpled accidentally bumped into Tommy whilst walking in the park.

"Hey, Tommy!" He said. "Ugh.." Tommy replied. "Listen, I really want to be closer. Can we?" Purpled looked pleasing. Tom hesitated to answer, "Whatever, sure." He finally replied.

Purpled jumped excitedly. "Nice!"

They hung out at the park for 2 hours before Tommy got a message, "Oh, sorry. I have to go. Phil wants me home by dinner and it's 5:23 PM already. It was nice hanging out with you though!"

Purpled and Tommy said their goodbyes before fully leaving each other.


When Tommy was finished he eating he ran to his room, "Tom, make sure to be asleep by 11:00 at least! Alright?" Philza shouted.

"Okay!" He yelled back before jumping on his bed. He lifted up his pillow only to see that his dia- JOURNAL wasn't there. "Fuck.." He whispered to himself.

Techno was out all day and dad was at wo- Wilbur..SHIT!, He thought to himself. A light knock could be heard. Then the door opened, "Looking for something?" Wilbur said holding his diary.

"Wilbur, what the hell?! Give it!" The blonde yelled, trying to reach for it until Wilbur opened it. "I haven't read it yet, but I wanna read it now." He said whilst smiling.

He opened the book, "Oh look, this part says 'My beloved crushes.', let's read it." Wilbur laughed as Tommy panicked. "No please don't-"

"Number one, R. He's so attractive and tall..I love him so much. The way he stands up for me." Wilbur laughed once again, "The way he stands up for me!" The brunette mocked.

"Wilbur stop it!"

"Number two, T. He's just so...cute! But at the same time he's more than maybe. Then again he would never fall for me.." Wilbur groaned, "I don't care about your angst." He said before turning the page.

Tommy was now silent, "Number three, D. Not much to say about him, I just like his personality. Number four, P. He kissed me-" Will stopped reading and slammed the book shut.

"He...WHAT?!" The over-protective brother yelled. "I- Uh- Wilbur I promise it was just a k-" The blonde got cut off. "Are you gonna start whoring out to everyone, Tom?!" That sentence made Tommy silent.

'Will didn't mean it, surely he didn't.' Tommy thought. Before he knew it he was crying. "Tommy, I'm sorry." Wilbur then sat with Tommy on his bed.

"I didn't mean it...I was just mad I guess. My little brother is growing up...and I just can't handle it." He whispered ever so softly. It was a silent and awkward pause. "You'll always be a child in my mind, but I'll try to see you at least as an 11 year old."

Wilbur laughed as Tommy rolled his eyes, "Wilbur." "Fine..A 15 year old like you are." Tommy giggled.

It looks like Purpled might win this bet.

— Skip to Monday :D (Wilbur's POV) —
I was talking to Skeppy...I didn't really like him...But I was talking to him until I overheard Fuzzy and Purpled talking about something..someone. "Come on Purpled! Do you want to win the bet or not?!" What bet?

"I do! I fully do! But I like him!"

"You aren't suppose to bully your crush! This isn't some sort of anime!"

"I'm sorry, okay?! But I don't want to break his heart."

Who's heart..?

"Tommy doesn't even fucking like you! Suck it up Purpled! Go on, ask him out. Put the stupid note in his locker."

Tommy, TOMMY?! "Wilbur, you there?" "I don't care about you and BadBoyHalo's relationship." I replied to Skeppy coldly. I walked away. If they break Tommy's heart I swear to fucking God.

— Purpled's POV —
I slipped the note in Tommy's locker, it read:

Dear Tommy.
Meet me at the school Fountain, after school. 4:35 PM. I have something to tell you.
From ?

I was scared, but I put it in. When it comes to bets I don't fail them. "You cannot expect me to not act cold after what you did." Fuzzy walked away.

"What did you even do to Fuzzy?" Ranboo asked. I looked down, embarrassed. "I..uhm.."

I didn't know where to start.

"I left Fuzzy. I use to be best friends with Fuzzy..until Middle School. Until I met you 3. I knew Fuzzy since birth. My mom and his dad were best friends. They still are." They looked shocked.

Tubbo took a step back, "You're the one that told us to bully Fuzzy though!" He shouted. I looked up at them.

"I know...I'm sorry." They all looked at me, "You should say sorry to Fuzzy." Ranboo yelled before they all walked away. Fuck.

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