Dreams brighter than fireworks

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~ ' Yoimiya's dream world ' ~

Yoimiya wandered around the city, the vision decree was in force and she was helping a woman switch her vision for a fake. After the woman had switched her vision and thanked Yoimiya, she was off. Yoimiya walked back to her house, calling out to a couple of people on the way back. However, no one responded. No hellos, no can you help me's, they didn't even acknowledge her... Yoimiya hummed and ignored it, she came across some kids on the way, but they too ignored her. Then it started, screaming and pleading. The woman she had given the fake vision to just minutes earlier was pleading with the Tenryou Commission guards to let her keep her vision, but there was no sign of her fake anymore. It was like they hadn't even met. As the Tenryou Commission took her vision whispers filled Yoimiya's ears. "Did you hear Yoimiya forgot to switch her a fake?" "Did you know Yoimiya ignored the kids?" "Did you know Yoimiya ignored me when I asked for help?" It just went on, Yoimiya was trying to apologize but no one could hear her cries. She tried to block her ears but it wouldn't stop, she wanted to help these people. To apologize and make it up to them but her feet wouldn't move. She reached into her pocket, but to her shock, a hydro vision was sitting there. Her pyro one was no longer on her belt. This couldn't be real.

She suddenly felt herself being carried away, the hydro vision slipping out of her pocket and the pyro one reappearing. She couldn't stop moving, someone was moving her. She panicked for a second before everything faded into a white void. 

She fades into another location, she's sitting in a tree. Hand in hand with someone whose face is blurred out. Everything was blurred out, other than the glowing electro vision belonging to the person. Yoimiya reached out to the person but all the person did was apologize before fading completely leaving Yoimiya alone in the tree hand reaching out only to grasp air. Her heart fluttered for a second before her vision faded to black.

~ ' 8am Kamisato Estate, Yoimiya POV ' ~

Yoimiya's eyes opened slowly, she saw her arm reaching into the air and immediately withdrew it. She looked around before realizing she was in the Kamisato Estate and sighed. Her bow and Dango both sitting on the floor next to the bed were both intact and with her. She deemed this lucky, someone must have found her and brought here her, with her weapon and snack. She hoped she didn't bother them. Yoimiya sat up still a little shaken from her dream, but she couldn't help but giggle. Was not helping people really her biggest nightmare? The door of the room opened quietly almost causing Yoimiya to jump out of her skin.

"Oh! Goodmorning Yoimiya, Ayaka asked me to check if you were awake," Thoma said happily, entering the room with a broom. 

"I must get up and thank her for letting me crash here again, is she busy?" Yoimiya replied as she got up and straightened her clothes.

"Not at all, she was waiting for you!" Thoma answered with a giggle before walking out. Yoimiya raised her eyebrow at him but ignored it. She left her bow and Dango and went to find Ayaka.

"Oh hello Yoimiya," a voice behind her called. Yoimiya quickly turned around to see Kamisato Ayato behind her giving her a little wave.

"Ah, good morning Mr. Kamisato! Sorry for crashing here again!" Yoimiya quickly apologized and bowed a couple of times.

"Yoimiya you are Ayaka's best friend, that room is yours. And drop the formalities you make me sound 40!" Ayato joked.

"Thank you Ayato, do you know where Ayaka is?" Yoimiya replied casually.

"Yes, she is in her room. She has quite the story to tell you as well, you shouldn't keep her waiting," Ayato answered with a smile before ushering Yoimiya towards Ayaka's room and walking off.

A fleeting illusory spectacle | Yoimiya X Kujou SaraWhere stories live. Discover now