"I am the lightning that makes no sound until it strikes."
Born in a life of blood and gore, Astrea Rose chose to raise hell.
Being the only daughters of the Ferraris since the last four genera...
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"Maxim." Fran nodded at papa. His voice went octaves deeper and thicker. His eyes held an emotion, a glint I couldn't decipher. I was still in a state of utter shock.
Toffee's hand tightened in mine. I then realised she had held my hand to tug me up. Surprisingly, it felt natural, as if it was never new to me. I looked at Maria to find her eyes glowing and her lips in a small smile, that felt too wrong. She was staring right at Raif.
Is this what they meant by 'Rest we will handle'? It hasn't even been 24 hours, and they're here? Our mansion is about five hours away by road, so there shouldn't be a problem in the travelling.
[ A/N- Okay, so there can be errors somewhere. Just to clear something up because I myself got confused- This scene is set during the night, around 9 pm. And they called her around noon. So, it hasn't even been a day and they are already here. Tomorrow night is Armani's engagement party. Is it kinda making sense?
Is it going too fast or too slow?]
I looked towards Izan who also had a look of fake shock plastered on his face. This motherfucker knew they were going to be here but didn't tell me. My eyes threw daggers at him. He suddenly found the table more interesting.
Papa's eyes were fixed on Fran and the grandparents were glaring daggers at papa. Okay, seriously. What in the world was going on!?
The air was thick with unspoken words and the unsettling silence felt too unnerving.
I found myself glancing at Pavel and Adrian who were trying so hard not to blow up at them.
Raif calmly cleared his throat. Fran snapped out of his stare competition with papa and guided them to their seats. They were seated directly in front of me but one seat was empty beside me. Ivan strolled over to my side and sat right by me. I recognised the cologne wore by him as the one I gifted him on his birthday, Sauvage by Dior.
His presence beside me automatically relaxed my tense shoulders.
"We shall have dinner first and then let's get onto the business." Armani's authoritative voice announced.
"Shall we have the introductions first?" Maria purred, slightly leaning forward on her elbows and making eye contact with Raif. I could see he was uncomfortable with the way she looked at him and I knew papa saw that too. By the way Ivan's hands fisted under the table, he saw that too.
This woman sure has a twin or she is just double faced.
"Sure." Pavel was the one to break the silence and Maria sat back straightening her shoulders and wiped the smile off her face. His voice was cold and held a warning.
The Ferraris's introduced themselves in order. I observed that Augustino was not as interested in the business or shall I say 'mafia' as much as his wife, Sarah. She was indeed very observant and possessed qualities of a true leader. I was impressed by her stance. Not once did she let her guard down.