forty five

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His jaw ticked

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His jaw ticked. His eyes hardened. He wanted to kill her, burn every tendon of her body. He wanted to see her go up in flames. 

"Um, I." She stuttered. Her face paled with fear, breath constricting her throat. She started to back away. Her foot twisted and she fell on the ground with a sharp yelp. Her foot had been shot. Her frightened face twisted with pain. Blood oozed out of the bullet wound. Another bang was heard, eliciting a loud scream. 

No words were exchanged. Maxim knew the culprit. He had always suspected her. It was a gut feeling, one he wanted to follow this time. 

And even if it wasn't Maria who sold her, then what was the harm in shooting a few bullets through her, unless she didn't die. He had years of vengeance piled up against her. She took away two of the most loved people from his life. She tried hurting his daughter, and that was enough for him to put a bullet through her dumb skull. 

Surprisingly, none of them in the room ran to save her. Not even Roman and Antonio. A loud shriek was heard from a distance. Tiffany came running towards Maria and crouched down next to her two faced mother.

"MOMMY!" She cried. Tears stained her cheeks. She wept, holding her mother in her arms. 

"Bitch, she ain't dying." Adrian sipped his coffee and licked his green apple lollipop next. A weird kid indeed. 

"WHO SHOT MY MOM?!" she screamed on the top of her lungs and lunged at Rea, who did nothing to hold her back. "YOU BITCH!" she pulled on her hair. Astrea flicked her wrist, and in a trice, she was on the floor sobbing from the harsh pull on her hair. Ivan had gently plucked her apart from Rea. 

The Ferraris were shocked. They had nothing to say. Elena rushed to Tiffany and gently walked her to her room, probably to coax her to stay away from the drama. Maria shrieked in pain when she bit on her tongue while trying to stop Elena from taking Tiffany away. 

"What was that?" Maxim took a step towards Maria, clicking his gun. He crouched to her level and positioned the gun to her head. She curled back in fear and pushed her self away from him. He looked menacing, deadly, almost bloodthirsty. 

"μην τη σκοτώσεις ακόμα" Helena's calm yet steady voice asserted. Maxim got the hint and smirked. Standing up, he walked next to Rea who was peacefully sipping on Adrian's coffee. Next to her, a sour looking Adrian was aggressively throwing daggers at Rea. 

She was in for a treat.

Helena smirked. At this moment, she was not only the Donna of the Greek Mafia, but also a mother in her most deadly form. 

A dagger pierced Maria's left arm. Helena's lips twitched at the painful scream. But it wasn't enough to quench her thirst. 

"Speak bitch!" Helena growled at her. She flinched in fear and started shivering in pain. "You sold her, didn't you?" She suddenly asked, smiling at her calmly. 

Like mother, like daughter. Bipolar as fuck. Thought Maxim. 

"You're making me lose my patience." Helena clicked her tongue and bent down to face Maria. She gripped her throat tightly, cutting off her blood supply. "You sold her, didn't you?" Maria clawed at her hands, trying to pull off her sharp nails from digging into her skin. When she realised that there was no way out, she rapidly nodded her head. Instantly, Helena's grip loosened and Maria gasped for air. That was enough proof. She clicked on her temple with the back of her gun and she fainted. 

"Throw her in the dungeons." Francisco coldly commanded his guards who wasted no second in 'throwing' her in the dungeons. 

There was a beat of silence. The air was thick with tension until, 

"Augh! Augh! Augh!" Adrian suddenly choked on his lollipop. Astrea rolled her eyes at the dramatics when he cried "SAVE ME!" 

She pat his back until he coughed out the piece of lollipop. It fell on his hand and he popped it back in mouth. "Soul sisters." Leo sighed at them when Rea looked at Rian with a proud face for not wasting even a bit of his lollipop.

No one said a word. 

"Mom said 'he'. Who is this 'he'?" Roman questioned out loud. His twin, Rocco shared the confusion and sighed loudly. 

"Should I feel bad for her?" Rocco asked. His face contorted into one with confusion, sadness and anger. He loved his mother, probably he did. No scratch that, he hated his mother. He hated his mother for calling Roman a pancy. He hated his mother for making Roman feel bad about himself. And now he absolutely loathed his mother for the truth they was about to face. He didn't want to admit it, but he had an inkling of the truth.

"Should you feel bad for that bitch? Fuck no." Armani's words cut through the air. One could practically hear the detest seeping out of his words.

No one should have been shocked, but they were. Not once had they seen him expressing his dislike towards someone, especially his own mother. All of this was too much. Too much for everyone to stomach. 

"Can we forget about it? Can we forget about everything for sometime?" Astrea questioned all of them. Azrael's face softened at his Rosie. How hard had it been to control himself from killing that bitch right away. But his girl in his arms was too precious to leave to kill someone else.

He squeezed her hand and she returned the gesture with a smile on her face. 

"She fucking sold you, and you want to forget about it?" Pavel questioned angrily. He was out of his mind. That monster had sold his sister and she was going to forgive her?

"No one's forgiving her what she did Pav. But just for a little while, can we forget that she exists?" She frowned. 

"Will be 'existed' in sometime." Rian muttered, licking his lollipop. 

Rea shot him a glare and he shut up. 

Pavel said nothing but tried to forget it, for the sake of his sister. 

Once everyone nodded at her, she smiled widely and jumped up towards her fathers.

"Now that Maria is not in the picture anymore, what's there between the two of you?" She raised her brows at Fran and Max, who looked like deer caught in headlights. 


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I hope you did!!

I love you all so much for 500k!!!! I plan on writing so many more books in the future, but until then, I will focus on completing this first. 

Lots of LOVE!!!


instagram- @nyaa.p.20

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