"I am the lightning that makes no sound until it strikes."
Born in a life of blood and gore, Astrea Rose chose to raise hell.
Being the only daughters of the Ferraris since the last four genera...
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I had been sitting in the police station for the past two hours now.
I had to identify Tom's body, which I may add was in a very gruesome condition.
Although I am being told that he died in a crash, I can easily tell that he was murdered.
I must say, I am pretty good at acting.
Never judge a book by its cover.
I have always said that living with Tom has been the best, I had to. I didn't want to be separated from papa and my brothers, and if I was fostered by Tom, it was easy to live a life I wanted to.
I still haven't told anything to papa and I won't till its necessary. I don't want to stress them.
All of them are always so occupied with either school or college and mafia that I don't want to snatch away their few weeks of peace, even though they won't have any for they're going to meet that evil witch Stacy and her mom, Karen.
Yes, her name is Karen, and it perfectly suits her. (No offence to anyone else named Karen.)
I was sitting on the chair munching on the chocolate flavoured granola bar Tania has given me.
The door to the room opened and Tania came in with a big smile, although I could sense some hesitation behind her smile.
"Congratulations sweetie! Your father has accepted to adopt you!" she beamed.
I froze.
Father? My biological father?
The one who wanted me dead?
"F-father?" I stuttered, whereas in reality I wanted to yell at her. Her smile was so fake. Even blind could tell.
"Yes buttercup-" I internally cringed at that, "Your DNA matches your biological father's and we found out that he had lodged a report in the police when you were kidnapped." she said in a 'very sweet to be genuine' voice.
They said I was willingly sent there.
And you just don't file a report for a missing person knowing you are going against the Chinese mafia.
This was getting confusing.
I did not want to ask her more about me being kidnapped so I decided to look into the matter later.
I don't even know who my father is. I will always have to keep my guard up against the so called family who apparently sold me to the Chinese.