"I am the lightning that makes no sound until it strikes."
Born in a life of blood and gore, Astrea Rose chose to raise hell.
Being the only daughters of the Ferraris since the last four genera...
(v.) to find healing by the process of forming scars
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Life has been hard since Tia was kidnapped.
Being a father, a husband and a Don is not a cakewalk.
Every time I look at my eldest son Armani, Tia's 3 year old face comes into my mind. Tia resembled him the most.
Tiffany and Tia looked nothing alike.
A big part of our heart was broken when Tia was taken away from us.
Her toothless smiles, her incomprehensible baby pronunciation and her puppy eyes.
I miss her.
I miss my daughter and I don't even know if she is alive or not.
After years of searching her and the kidnapper, we haven't been able to find any lead.
It's like she vanished from the face of earth.
And we even don't know who kidnapped her.
All we know is that we had a traitor whom we tortured so much that he decided to give up.
The boys miss Astrea and some nights I even see my youngest son and second eldest sitting in the library at her favourite place of them all.
In our house, there are many spots that she loved. We even made a small cabin for her in the garden so that she could go there during the rain. It is made of all glass.
Tia loved the rain.
Thinking about old times always makes me emotional.
It was raining right now. The rain always reminds me of her.
From the window of my office, I can see the library's window. All of my sons are sitting there, next to favourite spot, sipping on their hot chocolate.
Tia loved chocolate. Although she was just three, she used to sit on the kitchen table and instruct our chef, Bruno to make her some hot chocolate.
Bruno used to follow her instructions and prepare the best hot chocolate we have ever had.
Hot chocolate is everyone's favourite in our house, except for Maria and Tiffany.
But the drink lacks its sweet warm taste now.
I was sitting in my office, the pitter patter of the rain calming my nerves.
A phone call interrupted the peaceful silence.
Picking up the call, I put it on speaker.
"Mr. Ferrari?" a female questioned.
"Yes." I sharply replied, waiting for her to continue.