thirty four

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"Dear, whom were you sold to?" Laura asked, the word 'sold' coming out reluctantly from her mouth

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"Dear, whom were you sold to?" Laura asked, the word 'sold' coming out reluctantly from her mouth. Parting from the hug, I faced her.

"Was it some business rivals of your father that we are unaware of?" she questioned out loud. Was this woman still unknowingly using the word 'business' synonymously for 'Mafia'?

"It was the Chinese Mafia." I said, unaffected to reveal the truth. If papa trusted her enough to share the information with her, then I did too. Her eyes widened again but this time her fists clenched, her jaw tightened and she nodded curtly. 

"I shall be leaving." she announced, but before she could exit, my knife dug in the wall right next to her. She gasped at the suddenness and turned around to face me. 

"Ciò che si dice qui, resta qui" I coldly ordered. [What is said in here, stays in here]

She nodded and hastily exited the room. We all looked at papa who said, "I will explain it all when the time is right."  

"Right now, I am extremely tired!" exclaimed Rian and plopped on the bed. Ivan held him by his ankled and dragged him down to the carpeted floor. 

"Good night." Rian sighed dramatically and came to hug me tight. I hugged him back and he kissed my head. 

"Astrea, you are staying with me tonight?" Raif hopefully asked me. Now that Laura knew the truth, I doubt she will tell anyone else. Her intentions seemed pure, but it is me who isn't ready to accept the sudden truth. 

I nodded and smiled at him. Papa and Raif's room was connected internally. 

"I am with you guys too." shrugged Pavel and Leo laughed at him. Bidding a 'good night', Vanna and Leo left to their rooms with Rian. 

I had already brushed my teeth, so I went to the bed and flopped directly on it. 

I was gently lifted by Raif and he placed me further upwards. He had already changed and I wasn't going to ask him where he got the clothes from, because knowing them, they must have already brought their clothes along. I scooted towards the centre and Raif climbed inside the covers to my left, followed by Pavel to my right. I missed their cuddles.

"Good night." I whispered, too tired and ready for the darkness to consume me. 

"Good night Маленький волк." I felt Raif place a kiss on my head as his arm held me tightly. [little wolf]

"Good night little brat." Pavel kissed my head and his arm wrapped around me too. 

Slowly, I let sleep overcome me. 

I looked at Rea sleeping peacefully

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I looked at Rea sleeping peacefully. It was 6 am and I had been up for about 20 minutes now. Pavel had twisted in his sleep and now his back was towards me and Rea. Her arm had somehow curled up on his torso and her hair was disheveled.

"Wake up, Rea." I gently shook her, reluctant of snatching her peaceful sleep. But she had school to go to and had to go back to her room before anyone else woke up. 

Her eyes slowly opened and she rubbed them open, cutely frowning as she twisted to cuddle me closer and went back to sleep. 

This girl and her obsession with sleep and food. 

"Wake up Rea." I tried to be more stern, but she cut me off by mumbling, "Just 2 minutes more, please." 

After 20 minutes and 10 of '2 minutes more', she finally woke up 

Before any one else could wake up, she quickly rushed off to her room. 

Pavel mumbled something in his sleep and flopped his arm over me instead, dragging me close to him and cuddling me as if I were Rea.

"Eww!" I heard a voice yell before I could shove Pavel off of me, but he just held me tighter. 

"Sweet Home Ala~" started Leo with a stupid grin on his face. Ivan and him were standing next to an over-dramatic Rian who was making weird faces of disgust. 

"Shut up!" I yelled at him, trying to shove off Pavel once again but he didn't budge an inch.

"Pavel, open your fucking eyes, asshole!" I gave him a hard nudge and he finally woke up. 

Looking at his arm around me, cuddling himself to me, he suddenly made a face of disgust and gave me a hard push, sending me rolling down to the floor. 

"Fucking bitch." I murmured. I pushed them out of my room and went to dress up. 

By the time we all were ready, it was already 7:30 am. We were assembled in Papa's room. A house worker knocked on our door and greeted us. He lead us all to the dining hall where the rest of the Ferraris were already present there. We received a curt nod from all of them, which we reciprocated. 

Astrea came rushing down the stairs in a more jovial mood than before. Her attire had completely changed and she was dressed in a white t-shirt that was too oversized on her. It was Ivan's. She smiled at them, but this one wasn't fake. 

"Good morning!" she cheerily greeted everyone, taking a seat beside her twin who did not even acknowledge her.

The Ferraris instantly had a smile lighting up their faces, except a few, who just glared at her. I was so tempted to punch the glare out of their faces but I decided against it. 

"Good morning everyone!" chirped Maria Ferrari. A bright smile lit up her face and she placed a hot pink kiss on Tiffany's and Astrea's cheek. Rea discreetly tried wiping off her lipstick stain but Laura noticed her and boldly stood up, wiping off her cheek using a paper napkin. Rea nodded at her but smiled slightly, brightening up Laura.

"So," Maria started off as she sat right in front of me and eyed my face and my attire, "It is an off for you kids from school." she grinned at them widely. All those who went to school, smiled back at her. 

"And why shall that be so, my dear?" asked Francisco, a little uncomfortably.

"It is Armani's engagement party today!" she exclaimed with joy. Everyone's mood instantly got dull. 

"Also," continued Armani, coldly, "We have our business associates coming over." he announced, more importantly to us. 

"The Morales and The Argyros have responded to our mail and shall be here by the evening." he said. 

"We have decided for you all to stay here until the deal is done and the protection is increased." Stefano announced. 

"Welcome to the Ferrari Mansion." stated Laura, eyeing us and Rea.

" stated Laura, eyeing us and Rea

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So, here is another chapter!

Hope you enjoy it.

Also, here's my updating schedule- Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays! But if I find time in between, I am going to randomly update too as well.

Love you all!


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