"Refuse to be picky"

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Sitting dirtied by the gravel and muddy backyard,
wrapped in a colourful ashen - by detergent fading, mosaic print skirt, popularly known as Írò; I chewed on a piece of coconut sweet plucked from the nylon wrap made indigenously by my infamous mother the Ìyá Òlóbè of our Osun folk town.
Ìfé stared lovingly at my nails bearing black stains from plucking multiple Éfò leaves, for a family of 10 - mine.

"But this is not the first time Dupe, I'm asking again, please Marry me
Máá fún e ní ífákàn bálè"

He promised peace without insight to the future

I smirked within, with a toil gripped expression

"I am going places, I can't take over the Pepper business of my mother, I shall be a model!"

The stony seat groaned and leveled beneath Him as He struggled for words to say, masked by his annoyance, projected by his grievances.

"But we don't know the future, Dúpé; why so much arrogance? Please calm down, I know you are tall but your height can give us tall children to carry firewood through the narrow escape at Bábá Ábúle's Vineyard."

So much underration! A man without aligned visions; though now having a claim on my heart will hold a stake for the piercing to my chest, in the dreams a future foolish I shall never consider.

Struggling for words to say; I truly loved Him but He can't see what I'm seeing

I'm on those fancy paper covers known as magazines, I'm posing in silk and linen not faded wrapper and mismatched over-stretched by exertion, cotton tops.

"I . . ."

"Dúpé!" Amidst the smoke scene parading the hut roofs, Mama's voice bellows.

An escape I didn't realise I needed.

His hands gripping mine so tightly to the point my veins, arteries and the heart vessels are crying for a release.

"I have to go."

And I went.

And I never turned back.
And I'm here, living the big dreams I've always seen.

First in my dreams, now in my reality..

Check, and there's more to go.

If He's for me, He would march up and we'd be a match made in Heaven.

She is A Strong Nation

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