Unfortunately for You

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I set the bar too low
You crooned caressed and threw heaps of mould

I broke the bar untold
You moved with pace and skill to douse

I discarded the bar retold
You praised sung and encouraged, 'now you are on the right path' - Behold!

I raise a banner uphold,
You cry whimper whine and trash for us to fold the standards

We're unbending
Unfortunately for you

"Stop now!"
You shouted
We walked

"I'm talking to you!"
You shout
'Don't look back.'
We walk

"Why so stubborn?!"
You're shouting
'There's no going back now.'
We're walking

We are awakened
Unfortunately, for you

I know you loved the old
The compulsory bend overs and bonds of leftovers
In ceding facts, desperation tacts and disassembling acts

I know I love the new
The stand still and see the salvation of God
In heads lowered to God and eyes fixed on the Cross

We are Unashamed
Unfortunately, for you.

She is a Strong Nation

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