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THERE WAS ONE PLACE  where the common folk could only dream of entering: the Elitist New York Country Club. Built in the Hamptons, each square inch of the property looked to be sheer luxury. From the lush gardens to the wide spread of tennis courts, the multi-million dollar mansion was the ultimate high societal getaway. Good thing I'm not a part of that vast majority, right?

Pulling my hair into a high ponytail, I swing a towel onto my shoulder. My manicured fingers grip the gold-encrusted doorknob and pull the door open, my face suddenly met with a small gust of wind.

There was a feeling of familiarity inscribed within the walls of the mansion. To me and many of the others that were wealthy enough to regularly set foot into this place, the country club felt like a second home. As the summer sun began melting New York's icy storms, everyone knew that the warm pools and competitive sports matches would soon follow. Without being said, ninety-eight percent of the estate's population were arrogant assholes.

Grabbing my Gucci sunglasses wedged in my bag, I head to the patio entrance. Just as I was about to turn the corner, something, or should I say someone, collided into me. As I was trying to blink away the haziness in my eyes, a tanned hand reaches out in front of me. Rolling my eyes, I gingerly stand up without assistance, pushing back the hairs that were now covering my eyes.

"Dropped this?" a light voice asked, her lips puckering trying hold back laughter. I glance up at her face, a light smirk adorning mine as I snatch my sunglasses back from her grasp.

"I can thank you for that, bitch," I retort, a low scoff escaping from my lips. "You know, Paisley, I can't recall seeing you here in weeks. Did you run off doing God knows what on your little escapades again?"

Paisley Laurant. With a rosy complexion and blazing, red locks, there's no surprise that she has collected the hearts of many just by fluttering her eyelashes and flashing a smile that leaves you swooning. Having a mother that basically runs the fashion industry, it's a known fact that she has killer pieces fit for any event.

"Ava, please. You know I would never willingly run," laughed Paisley. "But yes, I suppose I got lost in the eyes of some Italian boy."

She pressed her palms up against the glass door, the pungent aroma of chlorine filling up my lungs. Looking around, the country club was more than packed with many people playing tennis, sipping piña coladas by the bar, or spending time soaking in the sun.

During my time here, I've learned that it was a common occurrence for the newly-added residents to cling onto any sort of popularity their gazes land on. For that reason, it wasn't a surprise to see flocks of overexcited girls surrounding Nyx and Colton.

Nyx Hayes and Colton Locke. Best friends of Maddox, shitheads by association. Many decades ago, Hayes' Industries found their fame by attracting readers into following their scandalous newspaper headlines. As for Colton Locke, his father is the proud man of producing hundreds of cinematic masterpieces, each one featuring a plethora of Hollywood famous actors and actresses.

With their connections with the Valentino family, their popularity skyrocketed, and as did their egos, I suppose.

Rolling my eyes, I dip my leg into the pool, the cool sensation of the water refreshing me instantly. As I was about to submerge my body entirely, I felt someone grab my shoulders and push me, causing a gigantic splash.

I violently gasp for air as I look up at the only person I knew could have been the culprit.

"Long time no see, sweetheart."

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