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━━the year prior

THE AIR WAS SUFFOCATING  as my parents and I were eagerly awaiting this year's ranking to be announced. During the countless months of preparation, my father has dropped hundreds of bills for charities and whatnot in the vain hope it would project him into the top spot of New York Elite's hierarchy.

The tension in this room was palpable as all of the richest men and women spoke to one another with façades blanketing each and every of them, their flutes of champagne almost bursting from all the fake laughter shooting out from their lips. I wasn't put off from their behavior, though, for I knew they didn't stand a chance against us.

A ghost of a smile settles on my face as I peer around the elegant ballroom. Statues of Greek Gods and Goddesses that were carved with expertise decorated the gold-accented walls. Soft, gentle music from the orchestra flowed gracefully through the air, my unintentional humming intertwining with the melody. The soft murmurs and clatter from the crowd rings in my ears, drowning out whatever father and mother were laughing about.

My gaze lands on a particular brunette boy and my mood instantly drops. Dressed in an ivory suit, he looks swoon-worthy in the eyes of someone naïve and unknowing. Look closer, and you start to see how Maddox Valentino and the Devil aren't so different after all.

A screeching echo reverberates along the walls and brings a deafening silence amongst the room. I inhale shakily as my eyes were suddenly glued to the stage. A man looking to be in his forties stood with a spotlight draped over him, holding an envelope in one hand while gripping the microphone in another.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As you may be able to tell, there is some tough competition tonight," he says, chuckling. "Two families in particular have been fighting for this title for years on end. However, one always comes out on top, and this year is no different."

I bite my lip as he continues with his speech. I glance over on the other side of the ballroom where Maddox is sitting, confidence practically oozing out of him. Fucking asshole.

The man fiddles with the black envelope, delicately opening the flap to reveal the name hidden inside. "The family who has ranked first in the New York Elites is... the Valentinos!"

Applause mixed with snarky comments from my parents fill the air as the winning family rises up from their seats with beaming smiles adorning each of their faces.

Venom floods my bloodstream as I shoot daggers into Maddox's back as he and his parents saunter onto the stage. My fingernails dig into my palms listening to their thank you speech, having to heavily fight the urge to roll my eyes every five seconds.

In that moment, Maddox's eyes met mine, his ocean blues glistening as a smirk found a way onto his lips. He tilted his head and whispered something to his father, who then looked in the direction of our table and grinned.

Anger bubbled inside of me with each passing second the Valentinos stood there being gawked at. Then, an idea started forming in my brain. A thought that would drag their family in the fucking mud.

People like to say that you shouldn't partake in revenge—it's much sweeter to rise above your enemies.

However, this revenge was going to be fucking delicious.

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