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━━maddox valentino

OH, HOW I ADORE  pissing Avalon Kingston off. After all, it is one of many things I pride myself in doing with ease. You see, if I was handed a penny every time Ava had murder dancing in her eyes while glaring at me, you may as well crown me the richest man alive.

Time seemed to stop the second the splash sounded. The air thickened as drama barricaded us. Hushed voices started echoing around the pool area, bodies of people peeking their heads to catch a glimpse of the scene before them. A smirk decorated my mouth as more people swarmed around us, the whispers ringing louder in my ears.

"What the hell did you do this time?" a familiar, deep voice questioned behind me. I turn around to see Colton chuckling, most likely thinking about the consequences I would have to endure if word got out about what I had done. I have already come to terms with the fact that Father would kill and bury me if he got wind of this, even though he despises the Kingstons. "You're such a brat," he would constantly yell. "Stop messing around and get your fucking act together."

A gasp from the depths of the pool quickly brought a deadly silence amongst the crowd. Seconds later, Avalon emerges from the water with anger sketched along her facial features.

"Long time no see, sweetheart," I smirk, bending down to rest on one knee. As I crouch closer to the clear, blue water, I take a second to glaze my eyes over her. The makeup that was once pounded onto her face was now melting off and coating her neck. Her eyes were almost raccoon-like as the wet mascara found its way to her under eyes.  If I was a somewhat-good person, I would feel remorseful.

Unfortunately for Avalon, I wasn't Mother Theresa.

Ava and I suddenly lock eyes, fury sparkling in hers. Honestly, I don't think I've ever seen her this furious. Oh well, first time for everything I suppose. As I go to stand back up, her wet hand reaches out from the pool and yanks my arm, pulling me into the pool with her.

Immediately, I'm met with shock waves running up and down my body. My head dunks underwater, the chlorine stinging my eyes. The below-freezing water tickles my skin as I continue to sink.

I gasp for air as I come back up, rage radiating off my body. When I furiously turn to Avalon, I'm met with an expression: sarcastic and condescending.

"You little bit-," I start before getting dunked into the cold water for a second time. Fuming, I extend my arms and ferociously try to drag her down with me. As the water engulfs both of our bodies, I hear muffled voices around the pool. I push her body one last time as I resurface again, turning my head to look around us. Almost everyone had stopped their activities to view the fight that had broken out, some recording on their bejeweled phones. When I spot an all-too-familiar face in the crowd, I could feel my heart stopping. Right next to my father were Colton and Nyx, both of them wearing faces of defeat.

The water seemed to get even more freezing as his ice-cold stare bore a hole into Avalon and me. "Get out of the pool now. Both of you."

Hearing a quiet 'oh my god' from Avalon, we both quickly made our way out of the pool. My body stood shaking as the wind coaxed my now ruined designer clothing.

"Avalon, Maddox, follow me right fucking now," my father roared, his eyes scanning the crowd. His deadly gaze alone sent everybody scurrying away within seconds. "You both are in for a real treat."


first things first...
i'm sorry for taking so long to write and post this chapter. honestly, i'm not even sure if people still care enough for this book to read it. if you did decide to read it, though, thank you and i love you.

i've just been so unmotivated to write. the amount of schoolwork i got this past year was insane, which definitely didn't help the my writer's block. since it's summertime now and i've been off of school for about a month, i've been trying to read and write more. this chapter was literally written in a day because i had a stroke of inspiration and i'm not even sure if it's good 😭

anyway, if you made it this far, just know that i appreciate you and any kind of engagement you may give on this book. i will try to post more, but i already know this summer is going to be a busy one. i don't want to promise something i can't 100% guarantee, so i guess it's in the air for now. maybe i'll get some inspiration along my travels, who knows.

again, thank you and i hope you liked this chapter <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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