17 - 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞.

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[ Can't a girl just do the best she can? ]

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[ Can't a girl just do the best she can? ]

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Time moved slowly after that.

She had woken up in the Hospital Wing, all three of her friends giving her looks of anguish and sympathy. Harry had a cut on his cheek sealed shut, most definitely given to him by a shard of glass.

Her vision was blurred, and she felt her own gash in her cheek that had been tended to. Her body was fatigued and stiff, like rusted levers.

Dumbledore came to talk to her immediately. He sat down at her bedside, asked Ron, Harry and Hermione to leave. They left grudgingly. Then spoke for a long time.

He recapped what she already knew; her powers, her true bloodline, her strength. He told her he thought her outburst was triggered by intense emotions and he suspected she had been overwhelmed. She nodded at this, agreeing with him.

He told her she needed to control her abilities, before she hurt anyone or even herself. She nodded at this, too.

He told her her first lesson would start next week. She nodded again.

He asked her how she felt, and she stared at him for a long time. So long infact, that the old wizard tried calling out her name again.

Finally, she mumbled: "I think I'm okay with it."

   Adara was far from it. And she knew Dumbledore knew this. Nevertheless, the old wizard left without another minute's protest.

Adara had to stay in the Hospital Wing until midday. Ron, Hermione and Harry visited her again, as they all had a free period. They talked; about what happened, about school, about which products at Fred and George's joke shop were best --- Ron insisted that Adara had to stop by at least once --- and about nothing at all. Her friends cheered her up significantly but she still couldn't wedge the hollow feeling in her stomach. The guilt of what she had done. Looking at the sealed cut on Harry's cheek made her feel worse.

She was released some time after noon.

Madame Pomfrey had suggested she skip her next lessons in order to recover fully. Adara obeyed, too drained for Ancient Runes anyhow.

She stood amidst the courtyard, students with free periods scattered around the area. Her mind wandered elsewhere --- the Forbidden Forest.

    It was dark in the depths of the infamous woods, but just light enough to get a clear view of her surroundings --- just the way Adara liked it.

The teachers had lied for the most part. The Forbidden Forest wasn't entirely dangerous as long as one didn't venture too deep. The thestrals were always near the entrance of the forest luckily enough.

      Adara made her way inwards, and was quickly greeted by a baby thestral nudging at her lower leg. She smiled at the creature lightly and bent down, stroking the top of its head. The thestral responded to her touch by subtly shaking its head and revelling in her cold hand.

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