The Taboo and transformations

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It's curious that within a world full of magic there are still some Taboos don't you think? I want to know more about that

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It's curious that within a world full of magic there are still some Taboos don't you think?
I want to know more about that.

The only Taboo that we have heard about so far is the one about transformation incantations...


Okay so the thing goes like this:

Based on Azul's words, Ursula's transformation from her original form which was:

Based on Azul's words, Ursula's transformation from her original form which was:

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Into this:

I find it funny because even though we can't say for sure if Ursula used two potions/incantations on herself before going up to land (one being the incantation that got her legs and the other one to change her appearance) OR she just used one inca...

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I find it funny because even though we can't say for sure if Ursula used two potions/incantations on herself before going up to land (one being the incantation that got her legs and the other one to change her appearance) OR she just used one incantation (for the legs which will lead to affirm that Ursula looks like the picture from above when in land)  it was still a transformation!
Tail for legs is transformation.

The TABOO is the transformation of oneself into something different, according to Azul. It's possible that he was referring to one changing to become unrecognizable, but then what about when Ace talked about people using magic to be more beautiful? He talked like it was something legal and so did Vil, who explained that even though he could use magic to become prettier he preferred not to use tricks.

So if the TABOO is transformation... why is it in so many different places...

I came up with certain thoughts to explain but maybe the creators just didn't give it that much thought.
But here are my thoughts...

In the modern world of TWST we already know based on the merfolk trio that they use potions to transform into humans. Also, thanks to Floyd's personal story from his Happy Beans Day (Beanfest for the USA) SSR card, we learned that they went to a bootcamp to learn the basics about being a two legged creature living on land. Azul explained that it was managed by some organizations and the government too...

It was said that the bootcamp was created by Ariel to help those mermaids that wanted to live on land so I can't say for sure if it's something obligatory but if Floyd says that Jade and Azul knew way more about what's like living amongst humans than the instructors then Azul and Jade wouldn't have gone to the bootcamp unless it was an obligatory process so they could be registered amongst those sea creatures now living on land. ((Of course there's the possibility that their parents simply made them go because, parents.))

However if the bootcamp is indeed obligatory and there's an entire process to be made before a merfolk tries to become human and live on land then it all means one thing: the transformation of living beings (specifically the ones with conscience like the merfolks, humans, beast-people and fairies) must be a pretty big issue for many reasons.

One doesn't know how much their physic might change when transforming from one specie into another and there are many dangers in it. For example, a dangerous criminal could turn into a merfolk and escape. Their appearance will surely change and after acquiring a fake ID they could have a completely different life under the sea without anyone knowing. Another example could be Ariel. What if a youngster runs away from their family and they get themselves involved with dangerous people and between weird situations and transformations they lose their lives?

There are many different examples but the point is that I'm sure that the government would prefer to keep all the transformations in check and counted. It's pretty much like immigration process to my belief.

So we have an entire process that must be made before going and becoming either human or merfolk and if it's obligatory that means that the selling of transformation incantations and the act of transformation not legally approved by the estate it's absolutely illegal and deserving of punishment...

That would be the Taboo...?

Going back to transforming oneself appearance not involving the change of species. Again! what about the skin care magical products and the spells Ace suggested so casually. I'm always suspicious of Ace but I don't think he would just air out something like that if it was illegal...

Honestly there's not much to think about but I just think that it would be awesome if the creators actually came up with an entire process for the merfolks transformation when they want to be human. The whole idea of a boot camp and a big legal process being held before one has the right to trade a tail for legs must have taken years of dispute and even if it's now legal I wouldn't doubt that it's a theme people prefer not to talk about since there surely must be discrimination between species just like when someone starts a new life in a new country far away from home. Of course in the NRC such behavior would be a motive for punishment and due to the fact that the school is so diverse and multicultural even though they are all rude they don't really judge based on where you come from... Well kind of...

I mean... people fear Malleus because he is powerful however I can't recall a time when someone was like "ugh, fairies!" You get what I mean?
If anything I think that the one individual who would be subjected to discrimination would be Ruggie Bucchi but that's a topic for another time.

Another thing... what about when a human wants to become a merfolk? I wonder if it's the same routine or perhaps there's no such possibility allowed by the law. And fairies to mortals? Or beast-men to fairies? I wouldn't doubt that those variants of the case must be more taboo...

But going back to Merfolk to Human... I think the biggest problem with a young mermaid wanting to go to land must be the older generations telling her "oh! You want to change your identity? You don't feel proud about being a mermaid? You are betraying your culture!" Hence I really think that both Azul's and the twins' parents must be open minded to a certain degree at least.

I think I lost track of what I meant to say so here is the just:

- The transformation from mermaid to human is a legal process and any attempt of transformation not approved by the government will be punished.

- The main taboo in every society must be the use of magic in order to look like a completely different person, the same way Ursula did.

- Even though it's completely legal for a merfolk to become a human, it's something that must not be taken lightly when mentioned since in both the human and the merfolk societies there are prejudices and discrimination from both sides (If you noticed, the Octavinelle trio never mentioned anything about them being merfolks until we saw them in their true form).

- We have no intel about cases that consist of a human becoming a merfolk or any other conscious creature wanting to change their species (like fairies and beast-people).

Yikes... I bet Azul has transformation potions that he surely wouldn't want anyone (special the police) to know about...



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