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Talking: "talk"
Thinking: "think"
Action: *grab*
Shouting/yelling: "AAA"
Wishper: "wishper"

A robotic arm tried to punch someone but it missed.

And another hit but missed again...

And yet another swing but yet again a miss...

Then a buff man with a white shirt, yellow tie and glasses hit the man that was punching which made him roll to the ground.

The white hair cyborg with one eye struggled to stand up from the ground and cough out blood, and then charged his right arm with lightning

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The white hair cyborg with one eye struggled to stand up from the ground and cough out blood, and then charged his right arm with lightning. He then ran at him and punched him in the stomach... which did nothing.

He then threw another punch... 2 hits, 5 hits, 10 hits, 50 hits, 100 hits at lightning bolt speeds but... It did nothing, he just dust off his shirt and adjusted his glasses.

The cyborg named Raiden stepped back in absolute shock, he clenched his fist and ran to him again and threw more punches at him even stronger and faster, more and more and more until he used both of his fists to send the man back a little.

Raiden stared the man down.

"Why won't you DIE." Raiden yelled.

The man named Armstrong chuckled and ripped his shirt off and surprised the white hair man. The senator's body was almost covered in veins and his left chest looked like a tumor, then something black with red outlines on the edges suddenly appeared in his left chest and slowly crawled to his arm.

"Nanomachines, son." Armstrong then looked at his nanomachine covered arm and smiled.

"They harden in response to physical trauma. you can't hurt me, jack." The man then suddenly punches the ground after saying the first part. Raiden then runs at him and hits his face but the nanomachines quickly cover his face.

"What did I just say?" Armstrong adjusted his glasses and punched the cyborg, making him fly and landed a few feet from him.

"Time to end this." He cracked his knuckles and then sat on his stomach and covered both of his arms in black, and started throwing a thousand punches at the man, and then stopped and raised his arm up in the air and the nanomachines quickly crawled to his arm.

"DIE, YOU PICECE OF SHIT!" Armstrong yelled out and punched Raiden, which makes the giant robot that they are on top explode. Raiden lay on the ground and was surrounded by fire and broken parts of the robot.

"Alright, I think I'm about done here." The senator slowly walked to the cyborg and cracked his knuckles. The white hair man tried to stand up but couldn't. Everything seems hopeless...

"Raiden." a robotic voice suddenly called out, which took Armstrong's attention.

"Wolf...!" Raiden looked to see a robot that resembled a canine holding a sword in his mouth, on top of one of the broken parts of the giant robot.

Mystery Metal Swordsmen From The Outside World  [Discontinued] Where stories live. Discover now