2. That Night

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Sitting at the table, my eyes glanced at the five year old beside me. One look at him, and I burst out into a soft laugh. It was one of the nights I watched Eren for Carla while she was working. She didn't have time to make him dinner before she left, so I offered to make him spaghetti. He was so excited, he even offered to help me. Though by helping me, I of course mean by making an even bigger mess in my kitchen, then there needed to be. But the way it made him smile and laugh, made it okay in my mind.

"Eren." Shaking my head of black hair, I watch him eating the spaghetti with his two bare hands, instead of the fork next to his plate. His hands were red, covered in the meat sauce, while his face was covered in it as well. How can one kid be this messy? Standing up I walked and grabbed a cloth and wetted it. "Hey Brat, let me wipe you a bit."

Glancing up at me, Eren gave me this huge goofy smile. His turquoise eyes shining in happiness. "Do I get to bath wif Levi!" He slacked at pronouncing some words properly now and then, as I shook my head.

"It's 'with' not 'wif'." I said as I scrubbed at his face, causing him to laugh and giggle. "And after this you definitely need a bath. You aren't sleeping in my bed a mess." My steel eyes caught sight of a piece of spaghetti in his brown hair, as I grimaced. Pulling it out I dropped it upon the table and looked at him. "Are you done?"

"Mm nope!" He hummed as he grabbed a big handful of pasta, and shoved it all in his mouth. I could only just stare at him as he looked up at me, mouth full then said. "Done!".

"Oi Brat, swallow first, then speak." I shook my head again, as I watched him struggle to swallow the huge amount he took in, while I only sighed and got him his glass of milk. Giggling he took it, drinking it happily once his mouth was free of food.

Knowing it best to clean up this mess later, otherwise my entire apartment would be covered in spaghetti sauce hand prints. I picked up Eren from the seat he sat on. The boy's gross filthy hands instantly went to wrap around my neck. He swung his legs, as he happily sang a song that he made up on the spot. It was honestly just gibberish and random words, but it kept him amused as I carried him to the bathroom.

"Do I get bubbles!" He asked not a question, but more an excited statement.

I learned that when babysitting Eren, the only way to get him in the bath was one of two ways.

One for there to be bubble bath to play in. So I always have to make sure I have a bottle of it just in case.

The second one isn't my favourite method. But he will freak and cry having a total tantrum, unless I too strip down and join him in the bathtub. Now I know some might think that is wrong. But he is only five years old, and it isn't like I do anything inappropriate. All I do is help wash him off, and he does to me too. Not in a perverted child molesting way of course. More like a brotherly way. And of course I never let him touch me in none appropriate places, and I never do to him either. I of course know better than to do such a thing with a child.

Though there were days when I indeed saw Carla as my own mother, and her little cherished Brat my baby brother.

"Of course. You know I always have bubbles here for you." I set him down as I helped to get his dirty meat sauce stained clothes off. He stood there once again buck ass nude, as he ran to the cupboard and opened it up as he got onto all fours. I watched his butt stick out of the cupboard, as he laughed and pulled out the bubble bath in the green bottle. "That one today huh?" I try to have two different scents of bubble bath, he loves getting to pick which one to use.

He nodded and ran to give it to me, as I started to fill the water up. He watched in excitement as I poured the gel like liquid under the running water, only to make him giggle when the bubbles appeared. This brat was so simple minded, he was amused over the slightest things.

Eren Jaeger was still too young to really understand anything about the world he lived in. The whole Alpha, Beta and Omega thing was unknown to him. For now he couldn't smell my Omega scent, so it caused no problems being around him. Though I knew one day when he got older, he might look at me differently. He was such a carefree little child right now. But I knew when the day came for him to be considered an adult. He would be strong, handsome, and to top it all off. A very, very strong Alpha.

When the bathtub was full enough I turned it off and looked at Eren as he tugged on my pants. "Off. Off."

I sighed and looked at him. "Not tonight Eren. Just you bathe tonight, okay?"

Oh I shouldn't have said that. The way his smiling face suddenly turned to one of anger. He huffed out and stomped his feet, as the tears fell from his eyes as his entire face went beet red. "NO! NO! LEVI BATH!"

I stared at him as I knelt before him. The tears streamed down his cheeks as I sighed. "Just this one more time."

Then just like that the tears stopped, as he bounced around all happy. Yeah, this brat knew how to get what he wanted. Knowing I needed to stop giving into him, but I just couldn't. There was just something about Eren Jaeger that made me give in.

Sitting in the tub I leaned my back to the white porcelain wall, as I watched Eren happily play in the bubbles. He would scoop them up in his hands and blow them towards me, making him laugh all playfully.

The warmed water splashed around his body and came up to his chest, while it just barely covered my lap and lower self.

Once Eren was done splashing around he let me help him clean off the meat sauce from his face, hands and well his entire body. This kid truly was a messy eater. Yet this made me smile fondly at him.

When the bath was over, I crawled out quickly and dried off, while I went to get some boxers and pants on my body as well as a shirt. When I came back to the bathroom, I saw Eren sitting there shivering now in the empty tub of water. He saw me and reached out for me to pick him up.

"Come on Brat. Let's get you dried off and into bed."

"Will Mama be home soon?" He asked as he was already starting to yawn while I helped him dry off.

"She will come for you when you are asleep. Just like every other night."

"I made her a drawing. She was so happy." He smiled at me. And I could only just imagine the look of love Carla gave her son, seeing the scribbles of a drawing made just for her.

"I bet she loved it." He nodded his head and yawned again. "Come on. let's get you dressed."

Carla always gives me a bag of pajamas and fresh underwear for Eren each time he stays over, some nights he wears them. Though other nights much like tonight, he has other plans.

I watched Eren run off to my bedroom giggling quietly, I already knew what he had planned. Walking into my room my guess was right. He had my drawer of shirts pulled open, and pulled basically every single one out before he found the one he loves to sleep in. I don't mind as it is a shirt I haven't worn in years. It's a black soft cotton blend, with long sleeves. Around the sleeves and the hems was a green strip. I don't know why he loved this shirt so much, but it was basically his now.

I watched him pull it on his body and it fell to his ankles practically. The long sleeves that covered his hands were long and baggy while they flapped around on him as he giggled. He crawled up onto my bed just in my shirt and nothing else.

Letting him have his fun, I tucked him in as he gazed up at me with those beautiful eyes of his. I already knew Eren wouldn't be able to fall asleep unless I was to lay next to him. Therefore that is exactly what I did. Eren smiled and rolled onto his left side in the massive shirt on his little body. I turned onto my right and wrapped my arm around him gently to comfort him. He hated falling asleep without his mother next to him.

"Sleep well Brat." I whispered to him, only to glance down seeing him already fast asleep.


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