9. Forbidden Thoughts

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Ever since that day when Eren yelled at Erwin. I can't seem to look at Eren the same. I tried to forget it, to push it out of my mind. But then I realized my true feelings one night.

When my heat came. It hit me hard. Perhaps it was because Eren now started to give off a strong alpha scent. I knew deep down these thoughts were wrong, they were forbidden. Eren was off limits, he was basically my son in a way.

So why? Why was I picturing him holding me, touching me, kissing me. He deserved an omega to him closer in age, but deep down I wanted to be that omega.

Laying upon my bed my body covered in sweat, my eyes lingered upon the ceiling. My heat now ended and I was ashamed. Eren's face never left my mind as I helped my own body to calm itself down. Trust me, I tripled up on the medication to calm my heats. However it just didn't help at all this time around. It must be due to the alpha scent now lingering in the house.

Eren's scent.

The scent he gave off was almost like a drug to me now, this was wrong. Full on dead wrong. I could only hope that my own scent didn't attract him.

Thankfully this heat, I managed to talk him into staying over at his friends for a bit. Mikasa and Armin planned out a fun sleepover with snacks, video games, the works.

"I hate being an omega..."

The words slipped my lips as I slowly pushed my tired body up. A hot shower was in order, as I quickly pulled off the dirty bed sheets from my bed and tossed them in the laundry basket. Shower first, then laundry.

The hot water on my skin felt refreshing, I barely left the bed these past two days.

Closing my eyes as the water fell upon my head, crashing down upon my naked form. Suddenly the sensation of hands was upon my waist. I knew I should pull away, but my body only leaned back into the warmth of the body now behind me.

Hands caressed my wet form, they were rough yet gentle. They were indeed his hands. Head falling to the side as hot moist lips kissed upon my neck.

"Say the words Levi." His voice growled out. "Tell me you want me. Tell me you want me to ravage you. Tell me you want to be my mate."

"I wan...ah!" My words were cut off as he sucked my neck, one hand moved to fiddle with my nipple while the other moved lower down my stomach.

"Tell me Levi, what do you want?" His voice gave me shivers. The voice of Eren Jaeger.

"I want to be your mate." My voice spoke quietly. "I want you to h-have me. All of me."

"Good, because you are already mine." He growled out as his hand lowered further down my form to please me.

"Mmm Eren." Lips parting, soft moans danced around me as I breathed out. His hands felt amazing upon my form. This was amazing. The way his hand ran along my shaft, how he held it and pumped it. It all brought Ecstasy to my body. My form was so sensitive due to my heat, that in a matter of moments I hit my orgasm. A loud moan escaped my lips as I came over the shower wall. "Eren..."

His name was a seductive moan that danced off my tongue.


Suddenly a loud noise was heard, as my head snapped towards my bathroom door. It was opened as I heard the distant voice call from down stairs. "Levi. I'm home!"

My body collapsed against the shower wall, hand over my face. What did I just imagine once again? I felt ashamed. These thoughts were wrong. Glancing down, my own hands were holding my trembling form.

"Oh Carla, please forgive such thoughts."

Hurrying out of the shower. I rushed to dry off my form, only to panic and pull on some clothes. Briefs and pants now on my lower portion. I grabbed a shirt only to stiffen up. Arms wrapped around me from behind my form, this time it was not my imagination. I felt his breath upon my neck as he nuzzled his head to my form.

"Levi, I missed you." Eren's voice was deep as I suddenly heard a change to his tone of voice. "You smell...delicious."

My heart raced, my cheeks went bright red as I pulled myself free from his grasp. I stared at him only to hug my form.

"I just got out of the shower. New body wash is all. Please let me finish getting dressed."

There was a flash in the younger alpha's eyes. "If you say so." He smirked at me, a smirk that made me weak in the knees. But I kept my ground. Only to collapse to the floor once he left the room.

My heart is a pounding wreck, face still flushed. How could I face him now? What would I do? These forbidden thoughts I now had of the male I raised. All I could do was push them deep down. Praying I would move on from all of this.

Leaving the room I spotted Eren in his room as he left his door wide open. He spun around and saw me, a huge smile on his lips as he hurried to my side. "Levi are you alright? You didn't need to make me leave the house you know. I could have stayed, I could have..."

"No! Of course you had to leave!" My face flared red again. "Eren, they taught you this in school. No alpha should be near an omega at such a time, unless you know." Oh god, this conversation felt like it was taking years off my heart.

"I understand, I do. But still." He whispered. His hand slowly raised to touch my red flushed cheek. "I am also very aware that an omega should not be left alone in such a state. Unwanted alphas could have tried anything."

"Eren I..."

His voice cut me off as he spoke deep, yet in a soft manner. "Levi." Hand cupped my face, his thumb slowly rubbed my cheek. Was it my imagination, or was his thumb getting closer to my lips? "While I was with my friends." As he spoke my eyes fell shut, his tone was so soothing to me. "I couldn't help but wonder. What exactly my little omega thought of during his heat. What your hands may have done."

My heart was pounding. I could sense it, his scent. It was wafting over me. It made it hard to focus on what he was even saying. Let alone doing.

"Eren I.."

"Shh." He whispered next to my ear. My body was trembling by now, he must have also noticed as his free hand wrapped around my form. I knew I should push away. This was a very dangerous situation. My heat only just ended, but my omega scent was still higher than it should be. All I wanted was for an alpha to comfort me, take care of me at this moment. And one was before me now. The smell of his scent grew stronger, it made it hard to think straight.

"Did you touch yourself?" That smooth deep voice whispered in my ear. All I could do was bring myself to nod. "Here?" His hand moved down and grazed my butt. My body shook more as I could only nod once again.

Clearly I wasn't in my right mind at that moment. My heat was over, right? Was I imagining something else? But this felt better than my imagination.

A low growl sounded by my ear. "Levi." Suddenly a soft kiss was placed upon my ear. "Levi. Could you show me?" My hands suddenly gripped onto Eren's shirt. His scent was intoxicating to me. I wanted nothing more than more from him at this moment. "Could you show me how you touched yourself?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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