3. Dead of Night

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Laying in bed with Eren, I waited about half an hour to truly make sure he was fast asleep. Slowly I then crawl from his grasp and out from the bed. I would make sure he was covered in the blanket, as he hugged onto it suddenly. Then I left my room and shut the door but left it open a couple of inches, just in case he woke up and called for his mother.

Entering the kitchen I sigh at the huge mess of spaghetti everywhere, as I get to work on cleaning up the place.

I knew Carla would still be a couple more hours until she came for him. Normally as I wait, I sit on the couch and read a book with a hot cup of tea. Some nights I fall asleep like that, only to wake up from her soft knocks on the doorway.

"Should be here soon." I mumbled as I flipped the page of my book, and saw the time was already one in the morning. By now Carla would be ending her shift then in about thirty minutes she should be at the door. Reaching for my tea cup, I emptied it and placed it back down. I sighed contently, swallowing the last of my hot tea, before I got back into my book.

Not sure when it happened. But at some point my eyes closed and sleep took over me. The book I was reading now lay sprawled open on the floor with the pages facing down. The time ticked by slowly as one thirty soon passed by us, with no knock to the door.

Remaining asleep on the couch it wasn't until I heard a loud crashing sound, that I awoke. My steel eyes opened wide as my heart raced madly within my chest. Letting my head fall to the side, my eyes spot my book on the floor. Sitting up slowly I reached for it, having to smooth out some crinkled papers in it.

Placing it on the coffee table I stand slowly stretching my arms up over my head.

"Can't believe I fell asleep on the couch again." I mumbled to myself as I trudged towards my bedroom. All I wanted was to collapse on my soft bed and fall back asleep. Entering my room I was about to flick on the light when I froze hearing soft breathing. I rubbed at my eyes then walked closer to the bed, as I stared at Eren's sleeping form. "Eren?"

My eyes instantly flicker to the clock on the bedside table, only to have my heart pound. The green light glowing faintly said it was three in the morning.

Running from my room I grab my cell phone. Checking for any missed calls or texts, to say she was working late, but there were none. Instantly my fingers dial Carla's cell. "Come on. Pick up." The ringing tone echoed in my ear as I started to pace my living room. "Pick up Carla, please pick up"

Though no matter how many times I tried calling, it would put me through to her voicemail. Glancing towards my bedroom I started to get terrible thoughts running through my mind, I quickly called another number.

"Hello, yes. I was hoping to know if Carla Jaeger was working late tonight, I am babysi..."

"I am sorry, you will have to reach her tomorrow night. Carla left about two hours ago."

My heart froze. I went to say something else but the person at the hospital hung up. They obviously hated their job, and didn't care if I was calling in an emergency. My head looked towards the wall that her apartment was on the other side of.

"Maybe she was so tired she went home to sleep, and will pick him up in the morning." I muttered but I had to know. I had to know she was there, in her bed fast asleep.

Quickly making my way to get her spare apartment key I froze as I suddenly heard loud footsteps running past my front door.

"What the hell? Who is running?" I mumbled as I quickly ran to my entrance and unlocked the latches and opened it slowly. I may be tough, but I was still just an omega. I had to be careful for my own safety after all.

My eyes caught a glimpse of three older looking men, running from our building and towards a car. It was dark though and I couldn't really see much of anything. Though one thing was for sure.


Their scent hit me from here, and it was lingering around even though they were finally driving off now. Turning around, my heart suddenly stopped beating. I quickly ran back into my apartment and grabbed the metal baseball bat and slowly walked outside again. My eyes went to Carla's door, which was opened slightly before I called the cops to report the break in.

Walking to the door I pushed it open with the metal bat and the stench of Alpha was very overpowering. Though it was silent. It was the dead of the night and not a single sound could be heard.


I whispered out her name. Before I slowly stepped into her unit. I was trying to remain calm until I flipped on the light switch. Her place was trashed. Broken glass everywhere, items thrown across the room. Taking a step forward I froze feeling the wet sticky sensation under my bare foot. Looking down I gripped the bat tighter in my hands as I suddenly ran towards her bedroom.


I screamed out in fear as my footprints were leaving a trail from the red blood. Running into her room my bat fell to the ground with a loud clang, as I stumbled backwards. One hand covering my mouth to hold in my cry, as tears were already falling from my eyes. Laying on the bed naked was Carla. Long brown hair the same colour as Eren's, sprawled around her cut up body coated in blood. She lay there staring up at the ceiling not breathing.

"No. No, Carla." I took a shaking step towards her. This couldn't be happening. She was so young. She was the most beautiful soul that I have ever met. She accepted me as her own family, and as a son. To see her like this was breaking my heart.

Knowing the cops would be here soon I quickly covered her body in the sheet not wanting anyone to see her naked as I stumbled backwards. Tripping over my own baseball bat I fell onto the floor where my eyes landed on the knife that most likely cut her. It was drenched in blood as I stood up and grabbed my bat.

The sirens sounded as I didn't know what to do. But then the worst thing happened. Something that I never wanted to happen.


My heart froze as I turned to see Eren standing there in my shirt. His own feet trailing bloody footprints as he looked to me then the bed.


"Mama!" He ran to her body that I covered up, and jumped on the bed. He tugged on the sheet as the blanket fell off her face making Eren whisper. "Mama?" When he saw no reply from her he cried out scared. "MAMA! MAMA WAKE UP!"

"EREN!" I ran to him and I pulled him off of the bloodied bed and body, as I held him tightly in my arms. "Eren shh."

I didn't know what to do or say. He was five years old. His mother was just raped and murdered. And what I hated the most. I was just on the other side of the wall. If I didn't fall asleep, I could have saved her. This was all my fault.

"MAMA!!" Tears were falling quickly down his face as he clung his arms around my neck. I held him to me tightly as the cops ran in and saw us. "Levi, why won't mama wake up!" He cried more and refused to let me go. "Mama. Mama. Please wake up mama."


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