6. New Beginnings

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Since that dreaded night, Eren and myself remained guests at Erwin and Hanji's. It was tough on all of us. I missed Carla like crazy, I kept dreaming she would knock on the door and come take Eren home.

Eren would wake up crying for his Mama in the middle of the night. We shared the spare room, and I would do everything I could to comfort him and calm his cries.

My two best friends have been understanding, and it was much appreciated. They helped me with Eren when they were home. They even watched him when I had to work some days at the cafe. Other days Eren comes with me to the cafe, and he will sit at a booth table with paper and crayons; and draw me photos as I work. My boss didn't mind, especially once I explained what happened.

I soon learned one thing about Eren. He was the type that no matter who it was, they fell in love with him and his cuteness. The workers all hated the idea of a kid hanging out at the cafe, that was until they met him. He gave them all a shy smile as he clung onto my body, and that was all it took. It makes me realize once he grows up more into the Alpha he is, he will always have others wanting to be his.

Knowing we couldn't keep living off of my two best friends, Erwin helped me find a small home to call our own. One where me and Eren will be able to live and grow. Erwin knew I didn't make tons at the cafe, and how I refused to use all of Eren's life savings to get a place. So he was nice enough to buy us our own little home. It was actually on the same street as their place which made Erwin feel safer about this. He and Hanji lived in a good neighbourhood, not many troubled Alpha's enter this part of the city. So knowing his best friend and Eren were only a couple houses down, eased his mind. He wanted to be there for his friend. He knew Levi may be tough, but he is only an Omega.

"Erwin, I will pay you back for this, I promise." I whispered to myself as I walked to the front door with Eren's hand held in mine.

"Levi and my home?" I glanced down at him and saw his turquoise eyes glinting.

"Yes Eren, we will live here together." I smiled and he giggled as we walked to the door.

Pulling the keys out I unlocked it only to have Eren tug on my arm. I glanced at him confused as I saw worry flash on his little face.

"Levi, wait." I stood there stunned as I watched Eren step ahead of me. He was only a child, and to see him do such a thing. He pushed the door open and stepped inside sniffing the air, only to turn and grin proudly at me. "Safe for my omega!"

My heart raced. This had to be the sweetest thing I have ever seen him do. "Thank you, my strong little Alpha."

The smile on his lips only grew as he ran into the home giggling madly.

"Oh Eren."

Chuckling, I followed him in. I took off my shoes then sighed. "Eren, shoes off please."

Hearing his little footsteps run back over, I watched him kick off his little shoes messily then he ran back off.

This home was bigger than the apartment he once lived in. It was also two floors. He ran through the living room and kitchen and looked at the stairs.

"Come Levi!" He giggled happily as he started to climb up the steps. Shaking my head with a chuckle, my black hair fell over my eyes as I followed him.

"Eren, this room will be your playroom ok? We will keep all your toys up here." I showed him the room and he nodded his head.

"Where our room?" He asked as I smiled.

Going to one door I opened it and smiled, "This is your room Eren." He stared at it then saw me walk to a room across the hall. "This is my room." I opened it and stepped inside the master bedroom.

"My room too!" Hearing the huff I looked and saw Eren.

"Eren, we have our own rooms here now."

I watched him stomp his little feet as he pouted and huffed madly. His little temper tantrums were always the most adorable sight.

"But if you wake up scared or alone, you can always come in here ok?" I knelt before him as I touched his cheek. Pushing his shaggy brown hair back I saw him nod his head.

"Ok Wevi." He mumbled out only to yawn tiredly.

"It's been a long day. We got a new home. We should get you into bed for a nap." Watching him nod his head he looked to my bed.


This brat was truly too precious for his own good. "You want to nap in my bed?" He nodded happily. "Go pick a shirt to wear." I pointed to the same lower drawer he was used to as he giggled and ran to it. Once more I watched him pull out all my shirts, until he found that light cotton long sleeved shirt. Thankfully I was able to clean it, so it looked like new once more.

Helping him undress he put on the shirt and ran to my bed where he climbed in. Walking over I sat down next to him after tucking him in, as I lay down for a moment beside him.

"If you wake up and I am not up here, don't be scared. I may just be downstairs ok?"

"Ok Wevi." He yawned out sleepily and shuffled closer to me. "Wuv you Wevi."

Whenever Eren got tired his words always slurred and sounded so cute. "Love you too Eren. Have a good nap."

I kissed his head as I lay next to him watching him fall asleep.


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